Suw: Greaty post on participation inequality and how it affected the Utah school vouchers bill.
Suw: resources here for: human rights activists, broadcasters, technology developers, NGOs, consumer rights groups, journalists, policy makers, researchers etc
Suw: I wish more conference organisers would pay attention to this
Suw: Handle with care. Wikis can backfire badly if they aren’t set up and run well, they’re certainly not a quick or easy to way to build community.
Suw: Knock-on effects – P2P ruins physical piracy… cheap, easy plentiful, legal downloads would seriously dent P2P numbers.
Suw: Pandora’s using zipcode instead of IP address to filter. Wonder how many listeners they have in Beverley Hills and Schenectady. Copyright Review Board is doing very, very bad things though. 🙁
Suw: Wasn’t able to watch the C4 story without the right plugin, but from what i heard about it, it seemed manufactured. Certainly the party was.
Suw: Wireless power! My dreams will finally be fulfilled – no more searching for powerpoints at conferences. Mind you, it will send the anti-wifi crowd nuts.