Kevin: Andy Dickinson points to a WSJ article via Lost Remote an interesting article about MSN and Yahoo teams looking for niche content providers. News organisations take note.
Kevin: A mobile online reporting vehicle from the Shelby Star. Online gives newspapers an opportunity to break news and do rolling news for a fraction of the cost of television. This is a competitive advantage that few newspapers are exploring.
Kevin: Ryan Sholin has a great post on how to do traditional coverage in non-traditional ways. Don’t just cover the meeting, cover the impact of the meeting. Make politics real for people. That’s good journalism and good for democracy.
Kevin: When I first started in reporting in the mid-90s, our sports team still used the TRS-80 portables. Is there one device that is that useful and robust now? What’s your favourite mobile tool of choice? Is there one tool that can do it all?
Kevin: Dan Gillmor thinks outloud about how to improve political debates. This is thinking that a lot of us are doing: How to raise the bar for online debates and discussions. What innovations editorially and technically can we devise to make debates bett
Kevin: Scott Karp has an interesting post about why the NYTimes isn’t offering full feeds on Stephen Dubner’s Freakonomics blog now that it’s move to the Times’ site. Advertisers won’t pay for ads in feeds. Sometimes, many times, advertisers are slow and