Kevin: Jeff Jarvis restates something that Suw often says: You don’t make money with a blog, you make money because of it. Jeff and Suw have created personal brands and businesses with their blogs.
Kevin: Jeff Jarvis talks about the press-sphere. ” I think newsrooms will need to be organized around topics or tags or stories.”
Kevin: Must read post on blog and online journalism success metrics. I like the idea of a ‘loyalty index’. Regular readers. Original reporting. Getting people to comment, sign up for the RSS feed or get involved in other ways.
Suw: I wish that more people in Stage 2 would just, y’know, shut up.
Kevin: Tim Robbins gives a modern version of Newton Minnow’s Vast Wasteland or possibly Network. The activist actor takes broadcasters and US leadership to task. Shame on the NAB for turning off the cameras. Irony?