Kevin: Another type of 'social payment' programme like Kachingle that allows people to pay a flat rate every month and then spread that money to contribute to the creation of content they like.
Kevin: Phil Balboni from GlobalPost, John Harris of Politico, Rafat Ali of ContentNext (paidContent, et al), John Thornton of the Texas Tribune and Geneva Overholser of USC Annenberg all answer the question: : What is the one skill or approach that journalists need to have, and develop, right now? Business savvy. Entrepreneurial drive. 'Find your distinctive value'. Expertise. Collaboration and openness. (I like the last two)
Kevin: An interesting call for a "Google newsroom". It's an article in translation so it's a bit difficult to understand in places, but my take away was rather than have a "bi-medial" newsroom with journalists having to focus on the web and on print that there were greater possibilities with a web-focused newsroom with focus on aggregation, curation, data and original reporting. It's an interesting idea, and I think it's another reaction to the mixed record of print-digital newsroom integration.