The Creator-Influencer Economy pt 2: A massive algorithmic-driven attention market

Much has been written about the rise of Creators and Influencers, about the new stars and formats and how it is remaking journalism. I’m more interested in the economics and eco-systems.

My assumptions:

  • The Creator-Influencer Economy represents a shift in the primary networks in content distribution.

  • Young people dream of riches, but most will be disappointed. Once a new network is established in media, power laws quickly take hold. Just as with legacy media, the Creator Economy is a winner-takes-most market.

  • The Creator Economy lives by the algorithms and dies by the algorithm as legacy media found.

The latest chapter in the Attention Economy

The theory of change that has been the most durable over the last 20 years of my career has been the Attention Economy. Psychologist, economist, and Nobel Laureate Herbert A. Simon coined the term in the 1960s, and he believed that “a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention”. In our world, we are drowning in information. In a world where media choices are almost unlimited, time and attention are scarce. It radically changes the economics of media, and it has been the constant over my career.

Changes in distribution and new forms of media have been adding to the amount of information available over the centuries. First, it was the penny press, then radio, then TV, then cable and satellite TV and finally the internet and various forms of digital media. All of these changes have created shifts in the Attention Economy. In 2021, Americans spent 3.16 hours a day watching traditional TV and three hours watching digital video, but in 2025, it is estimated that they will watch 2.48 hours of traditional TV but four hours of digital video, according to data from Statista. “In 2022, 89% of UK children habitually consume content on video platforms like YouTube and Tiktok, while fewer than 50% habitually watch live TV”, Chris Rainville and Simon Levene of Mosaic Ventures wrote.

Attention, and with it, revenue shifted to new platforms that aggregate attention globally on a mass scale. YouTube, TikTok and Instagram are massive attention marketplaces, and newsletter platforms like Substack and Beehiiv provide network effects and revenue infrastructure. First, the network effects: YouTube, TikTok and Instagram all have finely watched and tuned algorithms to deliver more of what you want. Beehiiv and Substack both have referral programmes and network functionality that drive free and paid subscriptions. (For a good overview of Substack’s network mechanisms, M.E. Rothwell goes deep into the network science of it all.)

The success of these platforms is the development of mechanisms to increase your consumption of them. It is why direct-to-consumer video platforms are so much more effective than linear TV in driving consumption. Linear TV will show everyone the same ads about the same programmes. The channels are the mechanisms to aggregate attention. Multi-channel television was just an inelegant way of achieving the same thing by cutting up content and audiences into smaller niches. But with Netflix and any D2C video platform after it, discovery is driven by your use and interests not by showing ads for shows to a single, homogenised persona of their assumed audience. The platforms are built to drive habitual consumption.

Time and attention are finite, so all of the time spent watching YouTube and TikTok or reading Substack or Beehiiv newsletters means less time for other things, like consuming traditional media. Money that used to flow to newspapers, radio and traditional television has shifted to these platforms as they have captured a larger share of attention. With the massive audiences these platforms attract, multiple revenue streams have developed to support creators: advertising, affiliate marketing, sponsorships, live events and merch.

It has minted not only stars but also new media entrepreneurs. Audiochuck, the true crime and mystery podcast network founded by Ashley Flowers in 2017, just received a $40 m investment from the Chernin Group that values her business at $450 m. Over half (57%) of Gen Z-aged people want to be influencers, according to a Morning Consult poll of 1000 young people. As I wrote in my last newsletter, Goldman Sachs Research forecasts that the Creator-Influencer Economy will double to $480 bn by 2027. Some of the Gen Z people in the poll said they were seeking money and fame, while others said they wanted connection and community.

Power laws and the creator economy

When a new medium first launches, there is an opportunity for new voices to establish themselves, but as with most digital markets, power law dynamics quickly take hold. As Chris and Simon of Mosaic Ventures wrote in 2022, creator audiences are highly concentrated. They analysed the number of YouTube subscribers, and less than 1% of accounts had more than 100,00 subs. And they highlighted how less than 1% of Twitch streams earned half of all revenue. They believe the same power law curves exist on Substack and OnlyFans. Goldman Sachs Research estimates the global number of creators will increase 10% to 20% by 2028.

This is where traditional economics kicks in. Oversupply depresses prices, or in this case wages. People flock to media for money, fame or mission. With power law driving the Attention Economy, it means that the vast majority of creators will not earn what Goldman Sachs refers to as professional wages.

Only about 4% of global creators are deemed professionals, meaning they pull in more than $100,000 a year. Goldman Sachs Research expects their share of the creator universe to stay steady even as the overall ecosystem expands.

Almost half (48%) earned $15,000 or less, according to research from NeoReach. That might be a nice source of supplemental income, but it won’t pay the bills. And the income can be quite unpredictable. Clint Bentley was profiled in a Wall Street Journal article. The 29-year-old has 400,000 followers across TikTok, Twitch and YouTube, and earned $58,084, which is in the upper third of earners, but he still lives with his parents because of the volatility of his income.

Live by the algorithm and die by the algorithm

And just like traditional media that has found they need to keep pace with changes in algorithms, the same is true with the Creator Economy. The difference is that platforms are tweaking their algorithms to the benefit creators, while Facebook and X have both tweaked theirs to the detriment of traditional publishers. But it means that for many creators, their businesses are built on the rented audiences of the platforms. Of course, those creators who have built communities and networks of their own and direct supporters through platforms like Patreon have more of a safety net. One of the creator community networks I follow is vintage computing - Sean of Action Retro, Kate of Macintosh Librarian and Steve of Mac84. They have loyal followings and operate in a mutually supportive community, helping create a larger audience and deeper relationships. Traditional media has made a similar pivot to direct relationships with subscribers and members as platforms have sent less traffic to drive ad impressions.

Something else is at play here: Creator-Influencer businesses are leaner than the large legacy media organisations. In the barbell media economy, big legacy players like the New York Times are the winners that take the most of the pivot to reader revenue and multi-market, multi-product businesses. On the opposite end are agile but also very lean creator businesses. Some are solopreneurs, but others have grown to become nascent media companies in their own right.

Axios’ Sara Fischer was on Brian Morrissey’s Rebooting podcast talking about the Creator-Influencer Economy, and she was quite direct. These new players don’t have the overheads, high-cost structures or, yes, unions, that legacy players have, she says.

Taking a step back, the distribution networks have changed, which has shifted power from television, cable and satellite networks. A Media Operator is reporting that VCs and funds are looking for roll-up investments in the Creator Economy that will drive concentration. This is to say that the Creator Economy is looking a lot like the traditional media economy. The thing that has changed is the distribution networks that are aggregating attention and revenue.

News influencers are a slightly different subset of this economy, and that’s on deck for another newsletter about that. If you want to get ahead and read more, Liz Kelly Nelson, who is laser-focused on this, breaks down where news influencers sit in the new news eco-system.

Newsletters: The cockroach of digital media

These are the stories that caught my eye while I thought about the Creator Economy.

The humble newsletter is like the cockroach of digital media—hardy and resilient. It is the MVP of many digital media operations. In fact, Sarah Ebner of the FT says it is the “biggest driver of reader engagement”. I talk about newsletters as part of the post-platform Push Economy of media. Audiences have committed to content that is pushed to them: newsletters in their inboxes, podcasts in their favourite apps or the push notifications of media apps. Continuing the theme above, she says that the personality-driven newsletter is one of the developments she has seen in her decade of work on the format.

Media builds its own social spaces

I’ve been following how publishers are reviving their own efforts at creating communities to challenge the dominance of the major social media platforms. I was told by a friend in the industry that Buzzfeed’s Jonah Peretti has talked about launching a social network before, but it looks like he is serious this time. He has a hypothesis that people are craving digital services that don’t feel like they are manipulating them emotionally. I don’t disagree with him, but Buzzfeed played the game of the social networks a long time that I don’t trust it as a brand to bring something authentic to the table.

Jeff Elgie is one of the most interesting leaders in the local journalism market, and his Villiage Media has launched its place-based social network on select sites in its Canada-based news network. Jeff is smart and focused, and this is an experiment to watch both in terms of audience engagement and how it drives KPIs for the business.

With so much doom and gloom in the industry, it is always good to hear about success and learn from it. Le Monde’s successful subs strategy has allowed it to double the size of its newsroom and see a point where its digital subscribers will pay for that enlarged newsroom.

AI roundup: NYTimes newsroom rollout, Thomson Reuters court win and how journalists are using it

AI is proving itself an important tool for publishers to make their operations more efficient and their revenue models to increase conversion and decrease churn more effective. The New York Times might be fighting OpenAI in the courts, but it just announced a major deployment of AI in its newsroom.

If this case holds up on appeal, it would be a major precedent. AI companies have relied on US fair use provisions to justify their scraping of content from their Westlaw service by a company called Ross Intelligence. Key to the ruling was that the judge found the AI company was attempting to create a market substitute by scraping Westlaw’s content.

AI adoption is industries often outpaces official guidelines. Experiments with the technology both as part of formal programmes or individual efforts are happening across the industry, and Editor & Publisher provides a useful overview.

An old friend, Mark Jones shared this, and it’s a good one to bookmark and use. I saved it because I should follow the suggestions more than I do!

The Creator-Influencer Economy pt 1: looking back on the first wave – bloggers

The total addressable market of the Creator-Influencer Economy could double by 2027 to $480 bn, according to Goldman Sachs Research. The forecast made in 2023 projected the Creator Economy to roughly double in five years.

I’ve been mulling the Creator-Influencer Economy, and I’m still rolling this over in my head so file this newsletter in the category of me thinking out loud. As I have seen several times over, a lot of the analysis centres on how screwed legacy media is because they are now competing against an army of individual creators and news influencers across a range of platforms including TikTok, YouTube, Twitch, Substack and more. Yes, there is that, but having been to this rodeo before, I want to think about this in two ways:

  1. The economics and dynamics of the Creator Economy itself.

  2. The business model pivot legacy media would have to make to take advantage of those dynamics and the pros and cons of some of the most obvious approaches.

As I started to think about this present moment of disruption in media, I started to think about previous chapters of digital creators, which created new markets and destroyed old ones. How is the current wave of fragmentation and distribution different from earlier ones? Creators have always been a part of the internet, and casting a look back reminded me of how early pioneers experimented with ideas, including commercial models, that have now become the foundation of the Creator Economy.

The Long History of the Creator Economy - JenniCam and the rise of the bloggers

Digital technology has been challenging and remaking traditional media almost from its inception, and I’ve been covering it and living it in various roles now for more than three decades. Yeah, I’m that old, but this isn’t a shake-my-fist-at-the-sky moment to tell the kids to get off my lawn. (Although, yes, I have those moments.) It is to say, I’ve watched the technology and market evolve through various iterations.

People forget about lifecasting and blogging communities like LiveJournal from the 1990s. Not long after I met my wife in 2006, I remember This American Life rerunning an episode from a decade before, in 1997, talking about experiences they were having on the Internet, which they wondered if they could have anywhere else. It highlighted the story of one of the biggest lifecasters, Jennifer Ringley of JenniCam fame. She started streaming pictures from her dorm room when she was a 19-year-old university student, and at the peak of its popularity, her site received 7m visitors a day. After graduating, she offered a paid service with a higher refresh rate. Voila, a business model that would seem quite familiar in today’s world of camgirls, although I’m hesitant to refer to her as that.

Another chapter in this story was the rise of blogs. In 2024, the US presidential candidates courted influencers who have podcasts, YouTube channels, newsletters and massive TikTok followings. In 2004, with the initial success of Howard Dean, bloggers rose to challenge the establishment media in setting the political agenda. They had a prominent place at the Democrat’s nominating convention that year. Not only did I cover the phenomenon for the BBC, but I ‘blogged’ during the US political conventions and then the final months of the 2004 elections. It was one of the first forays by the BBC into blogging, although the comments had to be taken in via email and then carefully curated. In 2005, I came to the UK to research and write a white paper on how the BBC should respond to revolution in media.

It was a heady time when the lines between traditional media and the audience blurred. I launched a segment on Radio 5 that looked at the news agenda through the lens of blogs and podcasts (and later social media), and then I was on the launch team of the World Service interactive programme World Have Your Say. I often brought bloggers and podcasters, including milbloggers - members of the US military blogging and podcasting from Iraq and Afghanistan - onto the programme.

Much like now with creators, people talked about the democratiisation of media and a force that would “challenge traditional media”. In 2007, Julian Robins wrote a paper as a Reuters Fellow at Oxford University. He wrote:

The blogging revolution comes at a time of turmoil for the traditional media, as digital technology changes the way people consume news, information and entertainment. Audiences and readerships are falling, along with profitability. Many mainstream news organisations have rushed to embrace user-generated content as they seek to fine-tune their business model for the new age.

As I was writing this, I thought that I wouldn’t call the current phase of creators democratisation. It’s a marketplace of attention and commerce. While yes, news and political influencers are part of the mix, it’s also about technology, fashion, food and so much else.

The fall of blogging and the rise of a new kind of social media

But blogging faded, although one might argue that newsletters are the new blogs. But blogs and podcasts faded, although podcasts would enjoy a renaissance. The decline of blogs was down to several factors. One issue was discovery, which still bedevils new podcasts. Technorati was the search engine for blogs, long before Google tried to create a subset of its search. Google launched its blog search in 2005, but shut it down as a standalone product in 2011. However, apart from search, some fundamental technology that connected the distributed network of bloggers broke, and the fediverse was a long way off. Note, I am sceptical that most people will embrace distributed networks. Those who do choose to accept a higher degree of friction for what they perceive as freedom, but that’s a whole other discussion.

However, I think what caused the decline of blogs and explains the rise of everything that came after was network effects. Bloggers used a system called trackbacks to see who had linked to them, and it was often via those links that helped bloggers discover each other. Trackbacks became overwhelmed with spam and ceased to function effectively. Comments were another way that bloggers interacted with each other, but these comments were spread across blogs. It was a highly distributed conversation, but the comments and links helped motivate bloggers to keep on writing. I remember what a thrill it was.

Of course, the social media platforms quickly eclipsed blogs. Why?

  • Powerful network effects. It was much easier to find your friends.

  • Simpler engagement mechanisms including lightweight likes and easy commenting.

  • Algorithms that helped you keep in touch with friends and topics you were interested in. (Although we can debate how effective they are now.)

  • Masssive, centralised aggregators for attention.

That last point is key. Grassroots bloggers prided themselves on their distributed nature. It reminds me of the quote from the film Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, “That’s not navy, sir. It’s just…people.” However, the attention was spread across thousands of blogs like stars across the sky. Bloggers revelled in the distributed nature of their conversation, but it wasn’t to last and couldn’t have lasted in the face of what came next.

Social media networks captured that attention and aggregated it. They provided much more efficient markets for advertisers, and that helped support a new generation of creators. Attention shifted to these platforms and so did billions of dollars of revenue globally. It drained attention and revenue from traditional media, particularly journalism. But that’s the next chapter.

The AI imperative for media

The biggest news in AI overall was the release of DeepSeek, a disruptive Chinese distilled AI model. It leveraged other models to beat OpenAI and Anthropic by some measures of AI progress, AI expert Karen Hao told the Reuters Institute. Her analysis is worth reading. She said DeepSeek has triggered a long-standing, but dismissed, challenge to the dogma that AI progress needed more resources rather than a more efficient use of resources. It’s an important read. Of course, with this being a Chinese disruptor of America’s perceived dominance of AI, it has political overtones.

While creators are part of the current chapter in media, AI also dominates the innovation agenda for journalism organisations. Brian Morrissey is not impressed. “Unlike past new technologies, publishers have taken a far more cautious approach to using AI beyond the basics or for little skunkworks projects that are unlikely to have much impact. The examples of publishers using AI are usually confined to small-scale frippery like AI-enabled internal search.”

I think he’s being a little harsh. I saw a demo of a tool The Economist is developing to scan academic papers for possible story ideas and came away impressed, and the Nursing Times use of AI to power a question-based way to access the intelligence of its archive is smart, especially how it is connected to their subscription model.

INMA’s Sonali Verna looks at the strategic frameworks that media companies could use to maximise the impact of their AI efforts. At the end of the day, I think AI should be deployed to do what it is uniquely good at and solve pain points for audiences and editorial teams.

The Independent is showing the sophistication in their approach as they grow as a digital English-language news brand. I have been fascinated with their A2K - anonymous to known strategy in the UK. They have 11 different ways to capture first-party data from their audiences. In the US, they are smartly scaling to stake a claim to that market. They have a lot of lessons to teach other media companies on how to survive in this highly competitive, rapidly changing media market.

Journalism needs to come to grips with the fact the era of free traffic is over

Whether you call it as I do - the Platform Era - or what Brian Morrissey calls it the Traffic Era, the era of building a media business on a high volume of referrals from search and social is over. The sooner we come to grips with it and adjust our priorities and business models, the sooner we return to growth and stability - as many publishers already have.

If we need more proof of the precarity of relying on rented traffic, look at the latest Reuters Institute trends and predictions report. Traffic from Facebook to news publishers has plummeted by 67% in the last two years, according to data from Chartbeat

Search has been much more reliable, but algorithm changes routinely cause audience teams to scramble and adjust to the business imperatives of other companies rather than their own.

Smart minds in the industry predict this year will be even more challenging. “Although this is hardly revelatory, my prediction for 2025 is that the big topic on everybody’s mind is going to be traffic,” Lisa MacLeod, Director of FT Strategies, wrote in the consultancy’s 2025 predictions. Thomas Baekdal added to the voices warning about reliance on “other sources” for traffic. “The first thing to talk about is traffic, because in 2025, we have reached the point where the old strategies and tactics around traffic are no more.”

End the reliance on rented audiences

Since the rise of social media, audience development editors have agilely adjusted their tactics to changes in the platforms’ algorithms. They have become expert in using data and experiments to intuit these changes to re-establish traffic. They have been early adopters of new platforms, and they have quickly got up to speed with new formats and understood the community dynamics. The logic was that we went to platforms because that is where “the audience” is. But as my friend Damon Kiesow asks journalists: Is Twitter actually your community? For most news organisations, the answer is no, unless they are focused on politics or sports. Facebook has been deprioritising news for years now. Google can still drive traffic to journalism sites, but it’s quite a dance. We have spent endless amounts of time and energy chasing the trends on platforms.

You can see this in discussions about whether Bluesky would be a good place to shift to after the changes at Facebook and whether to follow other publications in leaving X. Should we shift to TikTok or RedNote or WhatsApp? I agree with Thomas Baekdal that this is the wrong way to look at things.

The conversation shouldn’t be about what platform publishers should focus on for the next source of free traffic. Not only is that era over, but the last decade has shown us the dangers of an over-reliance on rented audiences. Many publishers have already shifted to a focus on converting rented audiences on platforms to known, owned audiences.

Diversify products, revenue and marketing channels

The traffic era was predicated on the idea that digital advertising was a low-margin business, so we needed to attract as many people to our sites as possible to monetise them effectively. This isn’t working, and it hasn’t been working for years. Diversifying revenue and accepting that smaller, paying audiences are a more stable basis for a journalism or media business than trying to rely on platforms for traffic.

The playbook on how to transition is becoming relatively well established, although even with a clearer path, execution is still critical.

  1. Develop and execute an A2K strategy - The strategic shift is acknowledging that known audiences are much more valuable than unknown, lightly engaged ones, and the UK’s independent has the data to prove it. Registered users are 11x more engaged and subscribers are 62x more engaged than unknown users. Even if the Indy was only monetising audiences using advertising, that is a huge delta. Even if the registered users don’t subscribe, they still have more data about them, lifting their ad yields, and they can market other products such as events or e-commerce offerings. However, registration is an important step in their conversion journey, and half of new subscribers are registered users.

  2. Diversify products and revenue - Expanding the pool of known users offers new revenue opportunities. I have seen publishers like the Baltimore Banner use their email lists for partner marketing. Publishers market events, wine clubs, puzzle apps and recipe offerings. In India, HT Media has even launched an OTT video service aggregator. The more you know about your audience, the more relevant and effective these advertising messages can be and the more revenue they can generate.

    It’s time to stop putting so much energy into staring into the black boxes of platforms and put more energy, effort and money into our marketing our own work.

  3. Invest in marketing your own work - It’s time to stop putting so much energy into staring into the black boxes of platforms and put more energy, effort and money into marketing our work. We need to diversify our marketing channels and work to connect with audiences. Some of this will be on platforms, such as marketing our podcasts, newsletters and subscription offerings via social channels. But there are so many other marketing channels.

This doesn’t mean that this is easy. B2C media leaders all talk about the challenging media market. But by seizing our own destiny, at least we can have a sense of agency.

Of course, Mark Zuckerberg has made a raft of changes across Meta’s properties at the start of 2025. He ended fact-checking and took a poke at “legacy media”. Flagging posts with fact-check details isn’t censorship. It’s context. Alexios Mantzarlis is the director of the Security, Trust, and Safety Initiative at Cornell Tech and was the founding director of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN). He provided this fact-check of Zuck, and it’s an important read.

As Exhibit A of the challenges facing media, Vox Media continued with its layoffs and made changes to its leadership in an effort to right the ship.

Well, credit the Washington Post for ambition, but a goal of 200m paying readers seems a little unrealistic. And I’m not sure by trying to appeal to a wider range of the political spectrum and to blue-collar readers that they’ll achieve their “big hairy audacious goal'“. Of course, paying readers doesn’t necessarily mean full-fat subscribers, and it depends on the range of products they develop.

Reuters has been trying to develop its subscription product, and Gannett has been loosening its connection to the Associated Press. They started 2025 by announcing a bundled subscription.

If you want a good example of the type of diversification strategy I’m talking about, you only have to look to Zetland in Denmark. Their deep content model works and deeply engages their audience. Moreover, their mix of text and audio content connects with young audiences. Half of their members are in their 20s and 30s.

I practiced data journalism for a long time, and in the current industry research and content marketing that I do, I still try to include data visualisations. Here are some tools to start using this year.

Creators and influencers are one of the major themes this year.

The murder of a health insurance CEO gave journalists an opportunity to listen. Most failed.

The commentary and coverage of the murder of United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson troubled me. This newsletter isn’t about generic news stories or media commentary, but I decided to take some time to mull over why it had irked me. Ultimately, I realised that it was because it felt like journalists weren’t listening. Most of the coverage felt like journalists were circling the establishment wagons, and a lot of commentators seemed genuinely surprised that Americans were boiling over with rage about the health-industrial complex. Really?

Even outlets I normally admire have tilted toward sensationalist coverage obsessing over suspected killer Luigi Mangione’s rising status as a social media-age folk hero and the all-too-common violent rhetoric on social media. The Financial Times declared Mangione represented a “new era of villainy”. The New York Times had pieces about the social danger when a killer’s looks overshadow a violent crime and revulsion towards the anger at the US healthcare industry on social media. As my wife would say, the coverage is full of “pearl clutching” about people swooning over the “hot assassin”. What society had come to by glorifying a killer?

I know the business and how commissioning works, and I’m sure these stories were popular. However, the establishment media was reflexively defensive about a crime against a successful business leader. Reporters showed surprise that Americans are upset with a healthcare system that is more expensive than any other developed country and has poorer outcomes than other developed countries, largely due to shockingly bad outcomes along racial and socio-economic divides.

Some of the New York Times coverage was particularly surprising because their past coverage of US healthcare has generally been good and clear. The paper has examined why drug prices are nearly twice what they are in other rich countries, and in 2019, they compared the much higher prices for common procedures in the US versus other advanced economies. In the US, an angioplasty costs $32,000, but in other countries, it’s just $6400.

Patients and insurance companies in the United States pay higher prices for medications, imaging tests, basic health visits and common operations. Those high prices make health care in the U.S. extremely expensive, and they also finance a robust and politically powerful health care industry, which means lowering prices will always be hard.

They also did an incredibly hard-hitting piece in 2021 showing the wildly variable costs for procedures based on your insurer.

The Times has done excellent coverage of the issues with the US healthcare system over the years, but it’s almost as if the desks covering the murder didn’t talk to their healthcare reporters.

Morality versus outcomes in media coverage

The media have cast this killing as a morality play with the protagonist being a fallen son of privilege, and they have expressed surprise at this desperate act. The media often engage in moral framing as opposed to consequentialist framing. Hot takes are all about seizing the moral high ground often at the cost of the bigger picture. In the context of Brian Thompson’s murder, the framing has focused on the morality of the killing and social media lionisation of Mangione while superficially engaging with fundamental shortcomings in US healthcare.

In the US, the primacy of market dynamics and the presumption that a business's role is to maximise shareholder returns don’t allow the framing of healthcare as a public good. Public goods are prone to market failure, which means they suffer issues with pricing and distribution. This means that discussions about the morality of access to healthcare are almost absent. It’s baffling to most people who live in other developed countries, I can tell you.

Instead of talking about the poor outcomes of the current healthcare system or the morality of bankrupting people who were unconscious and couldn’t give consent for out-of-network care, Americans get served up superficial coverage of the morality of killing a CEO.

The shock of the new(s) reinforces a sense of helplessness in Americans

On one level, news focuses on what is new, and frustration with US healthcare and insurers isn’t new. Journalism, even generally high-quality outlets, like the FT and the New York Times, can fall into the trap of struggling to cover long-simmering issues, whether those are issues like US healthcare and gun control where powerful interests stymie any change, or complex ones that play out over long-time scales such as climate change (well, there are fairly powerful interests that prevent change with that too).

Brian Thompson’s murder was a shocking new development in a larger story, so it received outsized coverage. But in the rush to fill column inches, the broader context was stripped away and journalists failed to examine or explain the systemic problems in the healthcare system which had led to his killing.

On the face of it, healthcare is like so many issues in the hyper-partisan United States: The two main political parties have fought each other to an impotent stalemate arguing over culture war issues instead of finding solutions to long-simmering problems. Americans had given up hoping that positive change could happen until they got a ripped vigilante to rally behind. The rage felt by people across the political spectrum erupted in a rare moment of national unity. Journalism could have recognised that, listened to it and pushed politicians to engage with the issue.

In one of the more interesting pieces by the New York Times, they interviewed the people who polled Americans about their attitudes towards healthcare.

“That adulation (of Mangione) reflects public anger over health care, said Nsikan Akpan, managing editor for Think Global Health, a publication that explores health issues at the Council on Foreign Relations. ‘The UHC killing and the social media response stem from people feeling helpless over health coverage and income inequality,’ he said. “The topic is so often ignored by American public officials, he said, that voters have stopped listing it as a top priority.”

Michael Perry, a pollster who has run hundreds of healthcare focus groups, said he used to find a gap between how the wealthy talked about their healthcare and everyone else. “I don’t hear that anymore,” he told the Times. “The wealth gap has closed, and there is no amount of money that can buy you good insurance.”

How Constructive Journalism can address these issues

Journalists bemoan news avoidance and a lack of trust in what they do. When political leaders don’t listen to people, journalists must. That didn’t happen with this story. Americans are furious about healthcare, and some of the clueless coverage isn’t helping. Seeming out of touch on this story plays into the hands of the autocratic populists who are attacking journalism.

Fortunately, there is a model of journalism that can help cover the complex stories our societies are grappling with and reinvigorate trust in and engagement with journalism. Constructive journalism goes beyond simply covering solutions, (although that is important), and outlines a process in which positive social and societal outcomes are the goal.

Constructive journalism is a response to increasing sensationalism and negativity bias of the news media today. Its main mission is to reinstall trust in the idea that shared facts, shared knowledge and shared discussions are the pillars on which our communities balance – and it centers the democratic function of journalism as a feedback mechanism that helps society self-correct.

Constructive Journalism grounds its approach in a mission to contribute to democracy, not simply by being watchdogs. It uses a three-pronged approach to provide a new approach to journalism and counteract the results of overly negative, sensationalist cover that has fed the pernicious partisanship and anti-democratic populism.

  1. Focus on solutions

  2. Cover nuances

  3. Promote Democratic Conversation

Constructive journalism focuses on highlighting solutions to societal problems and adds active engagement with audiences. It advocates for creating opportunities for democratic conversations to bring people with differing ideas together to solve these problems.

An example of this is Zeit Online’s My Country Talks project that “matched more than 200,000 political opposites for 1:1 discussions in a bid to bridge social and political divides”. This is an example of how to increase bridging capital that grows trust not only in journalism but also among people. Bridging capital is US political scientist Robert Putnam’s phrase for the social bonds between dissimilar people whether based on age, race, class or education. Putnam is famous for his 1995 essay and subsequent book about the collapse of civic participation in the US, Bowling Alone, which is now seen as prophetic about the pandemic of loneliness in the country.

It’s going to take active engagement to make our societies and democracies better. I used to think that simply providing people with information would empower people to make decisions that would improve our societies, make them more equitable and deliver better outcomes for the many, not just for the few. I have realised over my career as a journalist and a consultant focused on communications and community that it will take more than simply providing good information. It will require active engagement and positive efforts like Constructive Journalism to turn the tide in our societies and restore our sense of community and trust. Between Putnam’s ideas, which are the foundation of the Aspen Institute’s Weave project, and Constructive Journalism, I have hope for 2025 and beyond.

Headlines: A look back at AI and journalism in 2024

And now a few links after that epic newsletter, which has been brewing for a few weeks.

If you talked to me in the early 2000s, I probably fell into the category of techno-utopian. I was so hopeful that technology would create a better society and expand opportunities. I now think we need to return to first purposes: What kind of societies do we want? And does a technology support our societal goals or not? If it doesn’t, then we shouldn’t adopt it.

A new EY survey finds that workers and company leaders are experiencing “AI fatigue”. If we don’t want to feed into the feelings of helplessness that I’ve talked about already, we need to have discussions about how AI works for us not against us.

One of the issues we need to grapple with in terms of technology adoption: Does it lead to greater or less equitable solutions? What I mean by that is that so much of the technology revolution is rooted in neoliberal economic assumptions that have led to rising economic inequality that erodes the foundations of democratic, free societies. Many of the AI deals prejudice large-scale news organisations and add more hurt journalism that serves local communities. Rasmus is right to say that AI isn’t going to be lucrative for many news organisations. adds

A very smart framing from my friend and former colleague at the BBC - Alf Hermida. Again, we are faced with choices. Will AI be a “substituting force or a complementary force”. As I wrote in my last newsletter, it’s really down to the business model.

A good roundup of all of the research from the Reuter’s Institute and how it can help prepare our thinking to tackle the issues in 2025.

AI is the latest divide in the volume vs. value split in media

I was going to write about how media companies need to focus on clearly identifying and then serving their audience, but Adam Tinworth has already written a brilliant post on that subject with great examples including Sarah Marshall’s Audience Canvas and Dmitry Shishkin’s User Needs framework. (Some readers thought Adam was throwing shade on analytics and revenue so he has responded to those who came away with that impression.) Adam was responding to comments from Isabelle Roughhol, who was “seething” about comments about AI at the latest News Rewired. Her comments highlight the split between media companies still playing the volume game and those shifting towards value.

Media companies addicted to the volume model continue to search for ways to maintain that scale by any means necessary to sustain an ad-sustained business. These large newspaper groups and increasingly consolidated digital businesses cobbled together from the tired remnants of faded Platform Era darlings focus on using AI primarily for the efficient generation of content. I would list them, but the restless distressed asset trading amongst them would only be a snapshot in decline. Audiences are (mostly) anonymous numbers to be aggregated. Hedge-fund-owned newspaper groups in the US discuss growth in the context of their ability to pay off the debt they accrued by buying properties to achieve a scale that has never delivered sustainability.

On the value end of the media continuum are companies focused on valuable niche audiences or broader companies that can generate sufficient income from reader revenue. They focus on distinctive content and excellent user experiences. They know the audiences they serve and leverage analytics, audience research and experimentation to understand the value they can deliver to those audiences. Value publishers can operate at a range of scales, from local to national to international, and they can operate in lucrative verticals such as the Financial Times or City AM or in general news such as the New York Times or South Africa’s Daily Maverick.

And now we come to AI. Adam referred to a tweet by Isabelle Roughhol:

Isabelle told me after the session that she was “seething” because a panel member had talked about AI non-strategically exhorting publishers to get on board.

For volume publishers, they focus on how to use AI to create more undifferentiated content more efficiently. It might be using AI to repurpose a story across their network, diluting the value of the original story to generate cheap pageviews for low-margin ads. It might be for repurposing a story for a younger audience instead of a smart strategy to include more young subjects in their reporting and create authentic content for those audiences.

This is largely a hangover of what I call the Platform Era and Brian Morrissey calls the Traffic Era. He said in The Rebooting newsletter, he says:

In retrospect, the traffic era was a lot like the zero-interest rate policy era: It led to a lot of bubbles. The easy-traffic era created incentives for publishers to push out as much content as possible to feed the algorithmic machines at Google and Facebook. Times have changed. And just as the overall economy has struggled to adjust to a higher-for-longer era of interest rates, publishers have needed to adjust their strategies.

I have worked for and with volume publishers, and I was always impressed with their agility. However, as my understanding of the media business matured, I realised that they were tactically nimble but strategically paralysed. They rolled out new initiatives frequently, but they were always in the service of the same goal, scale. Their AI initiatives are in danger of following the same pattern.

Changes in technology - the internet, social media, the shift to mobile and now AI - all shift journalism’s value chain, where media companies add value. The internet was just the latest technology to change the value chain of media distribution, especially for local news. I used to enjoy looking at the back issues of the newspapers I edited in the US, and I was amazed at how the front pages in the 1960s were dominated by regional and national wire copy. The front pages of major events like the first moon landing were incredible snapshots of history, but I am sure most readers had seen the news elsewhere before they saw in the newspaper. It might have made a nice keepsake, but it was of limited news value.

In London, people used to read newspapers on the Tube - Metro and the Evening Standard, which were sold or then handed out for free to commuters. Even before the Elizabeth Line and increasingly the Tube lines had mobile internet access, commuters spent more time on mobile phones. Commuters were no longer looking to newspapers to read on their commute. The Evening Standard’s daily circulation dropped from 850,000 to 275,000 in the last five years, and the Standard published its final daily edition in September of this year.

With respect to AI, Ezra Eeman, the strategy and innovation director at Dutch public broadcaster NPO, said AI should be used to “create value more efficiently rather than replace humans”. This is the fundamental divide between volume and value publishers. Volume publishers look at technology change through the lens of their current value chain. Value publishers consider the value they create for their audiences, and they consider how new technologies change audience behaviour and expectations, which ultimately change where they can add value.

Some of the larger value publishers, like the New York Times and the Financial Times, already employ data scientists working with editorial so that they can do incredible investigations that would never have been possible without AI. The New York Times used AI to examine 2.1 million posts from thousands of Instagram accounts of young girls managed by their parents. Nearly one in three preteen girls list becoming an influencer as a career goal. “The Times found, encouraging parents to commodify their children’s images. Some of the child influencers earn six-figure incomes, according to interviews.” The Financial Times “compared photographs of the children from an official database of missing Ukrainian children with the public profiles of children up for adoption in Russia using image recognition tools”.

AI is being used for moderation to allow smaller teams to manage comments and other community features to help deepen their relationships with audiences. AI is being used to understand the propensity to register and subscribe to drive better business outcomes. AI will have a huge impact on the business and practice of journalism. Only by thinking about how it will change value chains will we create sustainable businesses. How will AI change where and how journalism adds value for audiences? Those who are asking and answering that question will thrive in the future. Those who simply use AI to eke out efficiencies for a previous era in digital journalism will continue to fade and destroy a lot of economic and civic value. It is this ongoing destruction of value that makes me, like Isabelle, seethe.

And now onto the links for this week. Many of the conversations I am taking part in touch on the best model for publishers to strike deals with AI companies. Smaller publishers are concerned they are being left out.

I wasn’t surprised to see Canadian publishers suing OpenAI. After the disastrous delisting of their content by Facebook, I can see why they want to take a more proactive approach.

One important point made in one of the discussions I took part in is that all of the ad hoc deals are not leading to comprehensive policies to address the IP issues around LLM content scraping. And this example shows how ad hoc these deals are. Dow Jones used lawsuits to protect its own content but then decided to strike AI deals for its Factiva service.

For large-scale value publishers like the New York Times, they are constantly working on how they prove the higher value of their business. While they have one of the most successful subscription businesses in the world, they are looking for an ad measurement model that more closely aligns with their overall business. They want a better way to measure the value of their campaigns.

In the wake of the US election, the Pew Center released a report showing how many Americans were getting their news from influencers and what kind of information they were getting from them. UNESCO found that most of these influencers didn’t check the information they were circulating.

News and resources to help you navigate the rise of Bluesky

If you’ve shifted to Bluesky, there is now a way to verify your accounts, either through domains you control as well as through your employer’s domains. It’s quite powerful, and it won’t require you to pay a subscription fee every month.

Bluesky is growing rapidly, and on its current trajectory, it could overtake social networks like X. To do that, it’s going to need money.

This is a fascinating question, but I also wonder about the role that high levels of inequality play in these perceptions.

This newsletter started years ago when I used Nuzzel to aggregate the links that my network of people in media and journalism shared. It was incredible that I could quickly see the most important links my network was sharing, and it made putting together a newsletter like this much easier. I was happy when Twitter bought it and gutted when the company shut it down. Now, there is a similar service for Bluesky.

Daily Maverick: A model of the power of membership

In December, I will celebrate thirty years of working in journalism (or journalism-related work). Community has been at the centre of my work throughout most of my career—whether in my first journalism job as a regional reporter at the Hays Daily News in Western Kansas, engaged journalism at the BBC, managing community newspapers in Wisconsin, or even my current work at Pugpig. After years of watching the disruption in journalism, here are core beliefs I have about the industry:

  • A media outlet's relationships with its audience are highly correlated with its sustainability.

  • Product and audience-centric thinking align both the journalism produced and the user experience, which delivers loyalty and habit that is highly correlated with sustainability.

  • Membership and engaged journalism are mutually reinforcing strategies for smaller and independent media organisations that deliver better commercial and editorial outcomes.

I just published a case study of South Africa’s Daily Maverick after interviewing its CEO, Styli Charalambous, about the indie publisher’s journey. They launched in 2009 as a for-profit business at a more optimistic time in South Africa and digital media. Despite publishing high-impact investigations, they struggled to become sustainable so they pivoted to non-profit, hoping that they could tap into philanthropy. That didn’t get them to the point of sustainability, even after they broke a story that would lead to the ouster of Jacob Zuma as president.

Styli developed an innovation tour of the US and visited the Washington Post, the New York Times and National Geographic. What stood out for him was that the most successful and optimistic outlets had a firm foundation of reader revenue. However, a paywall seemed antithetical to Daily Maverick’s mission, but he happened upon a research paper about membership.

He plots membership on a continuum of possible reader revenue models with subscriptions on one end and donations on the other. “At the heart of membership is a community of people joining a cause. People being part of something,” he said, and members have become part of their journalism.

After establishing their brand as a hard-hitting indie investigative publisher, they tested the model and had members within minutes. Styli said they used membership as a Trojan horse to introduce engaged journalism to the newsroom. Now, it is fully distributed across all of the editorial teams. The benefits of membership for members and the business include:

  1. They developed a database of ‘superpowers’ their members have. They have tapped their members who are drone pilots. “One of the top constitutional lawyers in the country, who is a member, suggested a panel for an event and ended up being the moderator.” One of their first members even became their first community manager and is now their chief growth officer.

  2. It leads to high-engagement products. Their “Your Questions Answered” newsletter which does what it says on the tin. Members ask questions, which are grouped by theme, and then they are answered by ministers, experts or other newsmakers. The newsletter goes out to 80,000 to 90,000 members. During this year’s elections, it had an 85%-90% open rate.

  3. This high engagement leads to a high customer lifetime value because he said “after three years, 85% of people who start as a member are still there”. Now 40% of their revenue comes from their members.

What I love about this case study is that Daily Maverick is reaping the benefits of being this close to its members. As an audience-centric product leader, my goal is to make sure the editorial, product and business model are working to deliver the best for audiences and deliver returns to sustain the people who create the content. Daily Maverick shows the benefits of membership in creating a value-creating symbiotic relationship between members and journalists. It supports high-quality, high-engagement journalism that creates value for the news organisation, members and the broader society.

Now onto the links for this week.

Chris Stone, who I know from the New Statesman, has elevated their podcast operations. He is incredibly generous in sharing his expertise, and he recently highlighted a way for podcast publishers to drive consumption of their podcasts on YouTube, which was just shown to be the primary way audiences consume podcasts.

YouTube tops both Spotify and Apple when it comes to podcast distribution now.

With this huge reach, podcasts have emerged as an influential platform. Both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris went on podcasts this year to reach audiences who had tuned out from traditional sources of news and information. Adweek tracks the rise of podcasts.

As if on cue, the Pew Research Center in the US released a report on news influencers. More than one in five Americans get their news and information from these influencers, who are mostly men. Only TikTok has an even gender balance. And slightly more 27% to 21% were Republicans and supporters of Donald Trump. Another interesting data point: Most news influencers are on X. As news organisations decide to de-prioritise X, it is becoming an alternate news source, or at least a home for alternate news sources.

This is going to be more and more common. LLMs are actually pretty good at summarising existing text, and as long as humans are in the loop, the process works pretty well too.

Have you left Twitter or X? I haven’t yet, but I don’t use it much. I am contemplating whether to leave. Most of my feelings about it are nostaligic, and X isn’t Twitter. X is an influence vehicle for its owner.

Media organisations and journalists don’t need to make some grand political display in leaving. Frankly, there is a strong business case posting there is a waste of resources. Social media has moved on, and news organisations’ time is best spent elsewhere. I said this in The Audiencers WhatsApp community.

Twitter (before Musk) was more popular with journalists than it was useful as an editorial tool because it was a water cooler/conversational space for journalists and also because journalists could use it to build a profile outside of their publication and network for their next job. Yes, it could be useful to find out what some politicians thought and for sports, but outside of those niches, it didn’t deliver that much for media companies - particularly local publications.

Vertical video is something I’m about to dive into for one of my next research projects. The BBC started using vertical video in its app in 2017 and saw dramatic results in terms of the number of videos viewed and the number of users viewing video. The data is there to support that vertical video is a no brainer for engaging mobile audiences.

A good roundup from INMA about the thinking amongst US newsroom leaders after the election. Misinformation is overwhelming, and a lot of newsrooms are struggling with a lack of resources. This common stood out for me from one editor who wants to focus on “common interests and concerns across the county, across political divisions, and then hopefully start[ing] some conversations around those common areas of concern and interest.” Journalism as a service is a powerful way to re-establish its role in people’s lives.

Exhibit B on the usefulness of short-form, mostly vertical video. Francesca Barber, Politico’s executive director of global newsroom strategy. hit on themes that resonate with what Styli was talking about, namely listening and building a direct relationship with audiences.

“Trust is important here: it means listening, not just opining. It means having a direct relationship to audiences in the formats they are consuming (e.g. video, audio, shareable direct messages). And it means being clear who your audience is and building expectations and habit throughout the year, so that during an election cycle, they come to you.”

How journalism can help rebuild civic society in the US

In the lead-up to the US election, I have been reading Robert Putnam’s The Upswing. He charts major social and political trends from the Gilded Age, a period of inequality and extreme partisanship in the US. People have drawn a lot of parallels between the current period in the US and the years leading up to the Civil War. Putnam draws another parallel, the last years of the 19th Century and 20th Century. It was a period of extreme inequality, racial repression and violence. “The tide of strikes, violence and eventually anarchist terrorism that had been across the industrializing North in the 1870s would not recede until the 1920s.” Institutionalised Jim Crow segregation began during this period, and the Supreme Court upheld those laws in its 1896 ruling Plessy v. Ferguson, one of the great injustices in US history. It would allow "equal but separate accommodations for the white and colored races”. Putnam says a “wave of black lynchings surged in the 1880s, reaching the appalling rate of an atrocity every other day in 1892”.

Putnam says American politics across the country was “violently riven as it had not been for nearly half a century” during the Civil War. In the Gilded Age, the age of the robber barons in the US:

The very intensity of these partisan divisions prevented major new problems from being recognised and resolved. In the eyes of increasing numbers of voters, the two traditional political parties and their leaders were not helping the country to address newly pressing issues.

This sounds and feels very familiar. The Gilded Age gave way to the Progressive Era, and presidents from Theodore Roosevelt, FDR, Eisenhower, LBJ and even Nixon ruled as reformers. A progressive coalition of Republicans and Democrats identified and addressed major new problems. Education, income equality and longevity all increased during this period. His thesis is that the US pivoted from an “I” society during the Gilded Age to a “We” society during the long progressive era in the first two-thirds of the 20th Century. But then it swung back quickly to an “I” society.

By several measures, the US is now in the same situation as the Gilded Age, with declines in educational attainment, a rise in inequality and even a decline in life expectancy, driven by “deaths of despair”. Putnam outlines how the US can return to a “We” society and the kind of positive problem-solving and better outcomes. I’m not to that part of the book yet. But this is all to say: The US has been here before, and journalism played a role in the progressive era with the famous muckrakers’ reporting supporting antitrust, health and safety and labour reforms and helped to raise awareness about housing conditions and the violence of lynching.

What journalists can do to help restore civic society

I can’t wait to get to the part of The Upswing where Putnam talks about how we can restore civic society. Even before getting to that part of the book, I know that journalism could play a role in helping with this necessary work.

I heard from many friends immediately after the election that they were shifting their focus from national politics to their communities, and local journalism can support their communities to identify and solve their problems.

Audience engagement leader and innovator Ariel Zirulnick outlined several tactics to achieve. First and foremost, she called on journalists to see “people as voters beyond the elections”. Ultimately, I think she is calling on journalists to understand people’s concerns about their communities and how the government can address those concerns, and their concerns do not follow election cycles. (She makes a distinction between issues and concerns.)

It gives you jobs to be done, jobs like: 

• Tracking an elected politician’s campaign promise so voters know whether to reelect them in four years 
• Helping someone get involved in an issue they learned about during the campaign

• Teaching newly engaged locals about how other civic processes work 

She gave examples of this in action, such as Atlanta Civic Circle’s 10,000-person regional panel, Atlanta POV. It is like the editorial board common at local newspapers but at a scale made possible with modern survey tools. They hope in the future that this can become a neighbourhood-level story engine. News outlets can also capture highly engaged people they contacted during elections as a source for a panel like this and remain engaged with them, a process outlined by AmyJo Brown in a guide to “using voting districts to structure listening tours”. And lastly, the Milwaukee Journal has decided to continue its Main Street Agenda project past the elections.

She has a lot of great ideas in her piece, and one of my favourites is building an engagement loop around the election and using this to develop new products. If publishers were to create a segment of audiences highly engaged during the elections, they could create newsletters, events and special coverage to continue to serve these readers.

Dan Kennedy recommends people find a local news outlet to support. Research has shown the decline in local news has led “to fewer people running for local office, lower voter turnout, measurable increases in polarization”, Dan Kennedy says. “Rebuilding civic life is a way of lowering temperatures and encouraging cooperation. When people learn they can work with their neighbors to solve local problems even if they hold different views about national politics, that enables them to see those neighbors as fully rounded human beings rather than as partisan Republicans or Democrats.,” he added.

And now onto links for this week.

In the newsletter I write I Pugpig, I looked at how my friend Janne Rygh refocused analytics at two Amedia properties so that they could better target young audiences. It’s a great case study on why changing platforms and formats will only get you so far in terms of engaging youth audiences. You’ll have to have reconsider your content strategy.

And on that note, Amalie Nash outlines how to create a content strategy. Her point about creating KPIs is directly related to the experiment that Janne carried out. She realised that their KPIs were leading them to create content for their core audiences, which skewed older.

Facebook has de-emphasised news in its feed, and Elon Musk has banned journalists from X who have criticised him. LinkedIn is heading in the opposite direction. The key to engaging LinkedIn audiences is to understand the audience (which is always the case). How will this news impact someone’s business or career?

I recently co-led a session for the News Product Alliance Summit about audience development in the post-platform era. Many publishing professionals during the session said that Google Discover had become a key, but erratic traffic driver for them. I even heard recently from a publishing leader that Google had told them not even to try to understand how Discover works.

I’m a Discover user. It’s highly sensitive to what I read. If I click on a link, it will start adding that topic into my Discover feed. In Chrome on my iPad, I can also add sites to follow. I am surprised that more publishers aren’t encouraging audiences to do this.

Experience in my day job is that Discover can drive traffic and, more importantly, subscriptions.

A fascinating project funded by the Knight Foundation to answer reporters’ questions in real-time during the election. “ The nearly 100 election experts on hand to answer voting-related questions include election administrators, nonprofit leaders, cybersecurity experts, public historians, attorneys specializing in election law, nonpartisan voter access advocates, misinformation researchers, public policy professors, and more. “

Finding out the needs (and wants) of local news audiences

Earlier this year, I wrote about the demand problem for local news. This is especially true for young audiences, which as the Pew Research Center reported in May 2024 only 9% of Americans 18 to 29 follow local news very closely. People with higher levels of education are less likely to follow local news. It doesn’t matter whether the Americans are Democrats or Republicans, neither groups follow local news particularly well.

Surveys show a disconnect between the value people say they put on local news, their interest in and their propensity to pay. Americans say that local news is important. “Eighty-five percent of U.S. adults say that local news outlets “are at least somewhat important to the well-being of their local community,” including 44% who say they’re “extremely” or “very” important,” a Pew-Knight study found. However, they are reading it less, and only 15% of Americans have paid for it. But, that’s far better than the 8% of people in the UK. The research describes the contradictions, but it doesn’t say why. It doesn’t simply seem to be due to the sources of information that people have. Yes, audiences are getting more of their news from social media but that doesn’t address why people are consuming less local news and why a fundamental contradiction exists between the importance they place on local news and their actual consumption and support of it.

Fortunately, people who are grappling with these issues with news at several levels. I connected with Julia Gitis, a civic tech entrepreneur, through the News Product Alliance. In the summer of 2022, she noticed the old newspaper vending machines had been removed from her neighbourhood. “(She) was even more convinced that having a modern and digital version of the news racks would help people in San Francisco engage with their communities,” she wrote. Her vision is to create a neighbourhood digital bulletin boards “to strengthen democracy and civic engagement”. Julia told me that people were more interested in local events and sharing information about their pets. Other feedback includes a desire for art from local artists, community resources and interactive games.

They recently hosted a listening session with community members to give them a hands-on experience with their first digital prototype and to understand their local news needs. Their findings? "Residents like local news more in theory than in practice." They don’t use the local news section of their prototype that much, and they found some level of news avoidance in their listening session. “One resident told us ‘The news is so troubling lately, I feel like I need to escape,’ a sentiment echoed by many people we spoke to.” They also received feedback about content features they hadn’t tought of including promotions for neighbourhood businesses and local classified ads for things like dog walking and other hyper-local services. It shows that even in San Francisco, the centre of digital disruption, there is still room to make money from marketing local services.

This is great open on-the-ground testing of local news needs, and I love how Julia and her collaborators are co-creating a local news solution, not only in terms of hardware but also in terms of partnering with local businesses, schools and other stakeholders. I also like the honesty about the results. Local news was the original goal, but communities are expressing a broader range of local information needs.

The model that Julia is testing is interesting. It’s not so much a news source as it is a novel model of distribution. (If you’re looking for novel models for news sources, check out LION Publishers’ growing roster.) She has placed importance on the fact that it is in a public place, which again is a different model. It’s also unlike the large screens we have in major rail stations in Europe, which are passive. These screens are interactive and on ground level amongst people.

The kind of on-the-ground research that Julia is doing is fascinating, and it reminds me of the research in Medill Survey of local news consumption in Chicago. Product managers always ask why, and I will keep my eye out for additional research that asks why. And in the market research that I’m responsible for, I’m going to be asking more why questions.

And now onto the links for the week.

Americans go to the polls in person on Tuesday 5 November, although 75m US voters have already cast their ballots, which is 48% of the number of votes cast in the 2020 election. To endorse or not to endorse has been quite a controversy in the US. Both the LA Times and Washington Post opting not to, and both papers have paid dearly for it. The Washington Post has lost a quarter of a million subscribers for owner Jeff Bezos decision, and it has renewed criticisms about CEO Will Lewis which had died down. The Guardian spotted an opportunity to win over American readers looking for a paper to support and took advantage of it. It shows how the age of reader revenue (subscriptions and membership) changes the dynamic between audiences and the publications they pay for.

The UK government is floating ideas similar to Canada and Australia that local news providers should be compensated by the platforms for their content that appears on platforms. Platforms have a mixed record in their response to this legislation. In Canada, it led to local publishers being delisted with punishing results for small, independent publishers.

With major publishers striking deals with OpenAI and others to licence their content to train AI platforms, there is another player in the space to act as a middleman.

My friend, Janne Rygh, an Editorial Content Developer at Amedia, is leading an initiative to engage younger readers and convert them to subscribers. 87% of pageviews come from registered users, which as Janne says means they know a lot more about their audience and what they are doing. That’s great, but despite this excellent shift from anonymous to known users, their subscribers overall are aging. Nearly half of their subscribers are older than 60. It took some convincing of senior stakeholders, but Janne got the green light to trial efforts at two of Amedia’s 130 newspapers. Some of this isn’t too revolutionary: To engage young readers, you have to write about them. They also uncovered topics they needed to write about including early education (Kindergarten), personal economics issues (wallet issues) as well as health and family life.

Interestingly, INMA has new report out that Gen Z might be into print. They want non-digital experiences, and hey, if vinyl and cassettes can make a comeback, I guess print can too.

America is tense and divided: Here is how media and innovators are addressing the problem

I have just returned from three weeks in the US. It is tense there, and people discussed the election's outcome in very dark terms across the political spectrum. Talking to friends, they expect violence if Trump is elected with one saying, without drama, that she expects civil war. Political scientists from John Hopkins University and the University of Wisconsin Madison found in 2021 that “20 percent of Republicans and 13 percent of Democrats said political violence was warranted these days, while 25 percent of Republicans and 17 percent of Democrats said threats to opposing party officials were defensible”. This is about the same level of support Catholics and Protestants had for violence during the height of “The Troubles”. My fellow Americans, we don’t want to go down this road. Once dehumanisation takes root, it is challenging to reverse.

Journalists have been concerned about restoring trust in their profession. I believe one way to do this is by carrying out projects where people restore trust in one another.

In an era of radical polarisation, tackling dehumanisation helps foster a mutual sense of good faith people have in each other. In 2023, the Georgetown Institute of Politics and Public Service (GU Politics) Battleground Civility Poll has been “tracking attitudes towards polarization since 2019”, and while respondents send mixed messages, 94% believe (with 72% believing so strongly) “Respect for each other is the first step in having a government that works.” And almost the same amount, 89% believe that civility is the language of respect. There is reason for hope.

Throughout my career, I have looked inside, adjacent to and outside of media for solutions to problems. Community and building relationships between media organisations and their audiences have been central to my work, and here are a few initiatives I think can support the restoration of a respectful, civil civic society.

StoryCorps: One Small Step

When I worked at Ideastream Public Media, we took part in a project that was a collaboration between StoryCorps’ One Small Step initiative and Ideastream Public Media to help foster conversations across political divisions.

One Small Step brings people with different views together to record a conversation — not to debate politics — but simply to get to know each other as people.

The Public Spaces Incubator

As a young journalist, a major theme of my early work was using social media and community engagement strategies to engage audiences with public service media. However, digital social spaces also have an increasingly bad reputation. Almost half of Gen Z wish Tiktok had never been invented, and fully half wish the same of X. Instead of abandoning the concept of digital community, as I have written before, publishers and broadcasters have decided to reclaim them.

New Public is working with public service broadcasters including the CBC, Australia’s ABC and European PSBs ARD and RTBF on the Public Spaces Incubator. They want to re-establish direct relationships with their audiences but also experiment with and develop new digital conversational spaces. It’s exciting because they are designing prototypes for nuanced conversations and broader perspectives. For instance, one prototype Representing Perspectives … “explores including a broader spectrum of voices in conversations on different topics and inspires commenters to add their own perspectives”. Public Square View “brings new opportunities for participating in live virtual events and joining conversations to discuss them”.

Can an online chat with someone from the other side of the political divide help alleviate partisanship? Boldium, an innovation agency (for lack of a better description), has kicked off this project. Their team was worried about the same trends I outlined. “The number of Americans with very unfavourable opinions of the opposing party has more than doubled in the past 25 years. And about one-third of Americans believe the opposing party is threatening our nation’s well-being.” (Based on data from the Pew Research Center.)

Goodchat guides you through a fun, quick conversation with the other side that leads to understanding. Got 5 minutes for your country?

Disclaimer: I have been so busy over the last month that I haven’t had time to test-drive this, but I’m curious. However, it will take all kinds of experiments to address the issues around polarisation, division and dehumanisation.

Weave: The Social Fabric Project

I first found out about the Weave project from Michael Skiler, the communications director for the project. I’ve known Michael since he founded the Public Insight Network at American Public media. I have long admired his work. Weave is based on the insights from Robert Putnam, who famously wrote Bowling Alone, an essay and then a book about the decline in American participation in civic, religious and political organisations. Weave draws from Putnam’s most recent book: The Upswing: How We Came Together a Century Ago and How We Can Do It Again. To summarise very quickly, the book tracks America’s long track from an “I” society during the Gilded Age of the 19th Century to a “We” society from the 1890s to the 1960s and then a regression back to an “I” society since then. As the Harvard Kennedy School summary says: “He draws inspiring lessons for our time from an earlier era, when a dedicated group of reformers righted the ship, putting us on a path to becoming a society once again based on community.”

The project tries to address “the problem of broken social trust”. It was founded in 2018 by New York Times columnist David Brooks at the Aspen Institute. Brooks started the project on a listening tour “to understand how people in different communities were working to move from a culture of isolation and individualism to one of relationalism”. That produced their founding document The Relationist Manifesto.

It’s an ambitious project looking to support community-minded doers who are working to increase bridging capital where they live to solve problems. You get a sense of the who and what they support through a recently released initiative, TrustMap.

Just writing about these initiatives gives me a little more hope. Now onto to some links I’ve seen this past week.

Major media companies continue to strike AI deals with major tech companies. I highlight this one because Reuters has done a deal with Meta rather than OpenAI, which has had a string of deals with media companies in the US and Europe.

On the audience side of media businesses, there is a new imperative to build direct relationships with readers, listeners and viewers, one that is not mediated through third-party platforms. On the commercial side, this translates into reader revenue through subscriptions and memberships as well as cutting out middlemen. Bloomberg has done this, and DPG Media is yet another example.

Bluesky use is surging, and as a Bluesky and X user, I feel it and understand it. Musk’s decision-making for X is muddled by politics, which has led to poor financial performance. That drives short-term business decisions that aren’t in line with user experience, satisfaction or safety.

Why news organisations need to understand the difference between product and project management

Recently, I was asked by a friend who works in a senior editorial position whether product managers should also be project managers. it’s not a simple question, but it’s an important one.

In reality, it is a fuzzy boundary that varies from news organisation to news organisation. In my master’s research, one product manager at a large digital news organisation said: “(I) had to learn quite quickly and on the job what some of these titles even mean and what is the difference between a product manager and the project manager .… And also, what does that mean in every organization, because that can just mean very diffrent things.” This fuzziness - known as role ambiguity in academic circles - has been an issue with product management long before news organisations embraced the role. This is what the fuzziness means to working product managers. Another senior product manager at a large broadcaster told me, “What I find challenging is that inherently I don't think people understand what a product manager does … On any given day I am often referred to as a product manager, product owner (or) project manager.” More than that, on any given day, this product manager also said she might have product management, project management and operational responsibilities.

Some overlap between project management and product development will always exist because it takes some project management skills to deliver the product. After all, a good product roadmap is essentially a project plan. In reality, smaller organisations will need to blend the functions or have a senior manager act as a de facto product manager with project management done by a managing editor.

But clarifying the roles is important. Media managers need to understand the distinction between product and project management and be able to manage the separate functions or activities. Product managers define the product through audience and market data and are responsible for the ROI of the product. Project managers keep the delivery of the product on track. That is an ideal description of the boundary between the roles, and as I said, in reality, it’s a lot messsier. However, it’s one of the seasons, I believe it makes sense to keep these roles separate.

The lack of clarity about the role and managing it leads to several issues. The cross-functional work of product managers relies on their relationships, and I have seen those relationships damaged due to delivery issues. Media managers’ ability to manage product and project functions will mean better products delivered on time. Easier said than done, but understanding product management in media organisations still has a way to go.

More than that, this lack of understanding is also causing issues in retaining product managers. In my research, one of the issues that led to frustration amongst product management is role autonomy - the ability to manage how they get the job done. Not only does this help employees have more satisfaction, but it also helps organisations manage “volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous” (VUCA) environments. If product managers simply as project managers, they do not feel that they have autonomy over defining products. One product manager left a job at a major international media organisation because she felt as if she was working in a “feature factory”. She left and went to work for a succession of tech companies. (Click that link, written by John Cutler. I think a lot of news product managers will appreciate this: “Little appreciation for the health of the whole product as opposed to shiny new objects.” Also worth reading is his update three years later.)

Reading that, I’ll be honest. It makes me realise how much more I have to learn about product management. But in John’s last statement, there is a lot of value in “learning by doing”.

Now, onto the links.

Substack wants to do more than just newsletters, says Max Tani of Semafor. The company still isn’t profitable. Its next move?

To avoid fizzling the way competitors like Medium have, Substack is trying to become less a journalism platform and more a payment system for creators.

But while Substack is attempting another pivot, as Max points out, there are some high profile defections as the economics don’t work out for them.

How to balance audience growth with public trust? That was the challenge that Sweden’s public broadcaster faced, and The Fix talked to Olle Zachrison, Head of Artificial Intelligence & News Strategy at Sveriges Radio, on how they managed these goals in applying AI to a problem.

As data has become more important to publishers, they are working to make sure they get more of it by closing the door on people who don’t accept to get data for advertising.

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