Kevin: Ben Metcalfe turned me on to Justin.tv yesterday, and the site is already up on Wired. This about sums it up: “The end result comes across as a combination of JenniCam and American Idol.”
Kevin: Video blog RocketBoom looks for a new business model. Advertising isn’t keeping the lights on. Advertisers don’t want a focused niche, they want broadcast millions. Current model? Making money because of Rocketboom, not with Rocketboom.
Kevin: Doc Searls rounds up a discussion kicked off by Tim O’Reilly RE: SFChron. “Apparently, Phil Bronstein, the editor-in-chief, told staff in a recent “emergency meeting” that the news business ‘is broken, and no one knows how to fix it.'”
Kevin: The original post from Tim O’Reilly that kicked this off. To sum up, Tim asks this question: “If your local newspaper were to go out of business, would you miss it?” The comments and conversation there are worth reading.