Kevin: Scroll down. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates take the stage together at the D conference “despite scientists’ worries that the density of their combined egos could open a rift in the space-time continuum.”.
Kevin: Martin Belam looks at blogging journalists and compares their Bloglines subscriber levels. It’s nice to see Strange Attractor up there in the top five. It’s one way to measure relative traffic, but as Martin admits a crude measure.
Kevin: Martin Belan looks at British newspaper blogs, ranking them by the number of subscriptions via Bloglines. As he says, it’s a crude measurement, a blurry Polaroid of a snapshot.
Kevin: In the wake of dramatic cuts at the SF Chronicle, journalism professor Neil Henry mourns the ‘decline of news’. I don’t agree with a lot of what he writes about a ‘fractured society, less informed by fact’. There is more information, not less.