links for 2008-12-23

links for 2008-12-21

  • In his first interview since the world financial crisis, Gao Xiqing, the man who oversees $200 billion of China’s $2 trillion in dollar holdings, explains why he’s betting against the dollar, praises American pragmatism, and wonders about enormous Wall Street paychecks. And he has a friendly piece of advice: “Be Nice to the Countries That Lend You Money”

links for 2008-12-18

links for 2008-12-17

  • "Beat blogging really is a give and take. It’s not about marketing the same old content in new ways or pushing old content onto new platforms. Beat blogging is about expanding ones network of sources." I actually like how Patrick put it on Twitter: "Journalists have to be social on social media for it to work." I'll elaborate on that in a long overdue post shortly.

links for 2008-12-16

  • Keith and the Girl is a great little podcast that I listen to occasionally, and if traditional media want to make the transition from mass media to social media, they should read these tips. I'll be writing about my recent US election road trip, and I used many of the same techniques to build community around the project. Live events and rewarding your most passionate supporters are a good place to start. If you reward positive behaviour instead of just punishing negative behaviour, you'll grow a strong, happy community.
  • Is consolidation the answer that will save newspapers? If it was, Gannett would be doing better.
  • Heather Hughes is asking question that a lot of journalists are asking right now. What next? The photojournalist left newspapers after climbing the ranks only to find her opportunities drying up. The fact of the matter is that the market for journalists is shrinking, and many of us who had planned to spend the rest of our lives doing journalism have to consider something else to do. She started her own wedding photography business, but I wonder what text journalists will do. The one thing she asks fellow photojournalists is not to undercut each other and agree to cutrate fees. During desperate times, she advises not to give into desperation.

links for 2008-12-11

links for 2008-12-09

links for 2008-11-22

  • Mark Potts writes: "Back in the earliest days of planning The Washington Post's online strategy, 15-plus years ago, we talked a lot about our intentions to "be promiscuous"–placing as many bets as possible on as many different technologies and strategies as we could. " He echoed something that I often say about my own reading habits: Voracious and promiscuous. I'm interested in information not egos, and I'll go wherever I need to go to find the information I want. And publishers need to wake up to this fact before it's too late.