Kevin: Faster, better, cheaper. Audio-video online isn’t about replicating the experience (and economics) of broadcast television. It’s about using lost cost digital tools to change the economics. MediaShift gives you a list of these.
Kevin: Interesting acquisition by SixApart. Anyone who has done business with SixApart knows that they have often steered clients to Apperceptive to fine tune their Movable Type installations. Makes sense to bring them into the fold.
Kevin: Lisa Williams has a top 10 list for journalists of how to survive in a high-tech industry. I like the one time is on your side but only if you take it. Set aside some time to learn something new.
Kevin: Via Mindy McAdams. Journalists can be passionate about journalism and the business. We have to pay the bills. There are very few of us who can rely on public money or trust support. Smart digital journalists are spinning ideas for the future.
Category Archives: Links
links for 2008-04-19
Suw: One of the reasons that I’m a stalwart freelance is that I love being able to decide from where I work. Mainly, that tends to be my couch, but perhaps I should get more adventurous.
links for 2008-04-18
Kevin: Alf Hermida blogs about the Toronto Star laying off all 10 of the firm’s internet production staff. Sensible integration or short-sightedness?
links for 2008-04-17
U.C. Berkeley student’s Twitter messages alerted world to his arrest in Egypt – ContraCostaTimes.comKevin: Via Ryan Sholin. If anyone asks you the value of Twitter, here is a good example from the world of activist communication in Egypt.
Kevin: Sarah Perez looks the time spent on ‘soical media’. Interesting conversation on the blog and here in the office about what ‘real people’ are.
links for 2008-04-16
Kevin: Jeff Jarvis restates something that Suw often says: You don’t make money with a blog, you make money because of it. Jeff and Suw have created personal brands and businesses with their blogs.
Kevin: Jeff Jarvis talks about the press-sphere. ” I think newsrooms will need to be organized around topics or tags or stories.”
Kevin: Must read post on blog and online journalism success metrics. I like the idea of a ‘loyalty index’. Regular readers. Original reporting. Getting people to comment, sign up for the RSS feed or get involved in other ways.
Suw: I wish that more people in Stage 2 would just, y’know, shut up.
Kevin: Tim Robbins gives a modern version of Newton Minnow’s Vast Wasteland or possibly Network. The activist actor takes broadcasters and US leadership to task. Shame on the NAB for turning off the cameras. Irony?
links for 2008-04-14
Kevin: Suw is a huge fan of QR codes, bar codes that can be read by mobile phones that can have embedded text or URLs. Can they succeed where the Cue Cat failed?
Kevin: Eight mistakes that lead to special section failure. Get linky and reach out to bloggers.
Kevin: Ryan Sholin posts about how to change the culture from newspaper to news. Focus on supporting change agents not changing the entire culture in one go.
links for 2008-04-11
Kevin: Via Martin Stabe. A great list of must read posts for J-School grads by Jack Lail. Most of them reinforce the idea that grads need new heroes.
links for 2008-04-10
Suw: It’s not entirely clear to me that blogging causes death, but this article does illustrate the almost perverse rewarding of unhealthy behaviours, especially in terms of gaining kudos and status. Wrong sort of willy-waving, chaps!
Kevin: Mark Glaser throws down a challenge. He worries that news organisations are almost paralysed talking about change. All Talk, No Action=ATNA. He lists a series of iniatives, and projects move this talk into action.
Kevin: Fred Wilson with a great post from both the position of a VC and a user. Internet giants are buying up great services and then letting the services languish.
links for 2008-04-05
Kevin: Via Romenesko. I’ve written about this before. The terms of Zell’s buyout of Tribune Co were over-leveraged. They will have to spin off other properties and hope that the newspaper business doesn’t deteriorate more or risk default in as soon as 18
Kevin: Alf Hermida writes from the Online Journalism Symposium. James Maroney of Belo and the Dallas Morning News says: “If you are I the newspaper business, you are in the business of managing decline. If you are I the news and information business, then
Kevin: Great reporting and compelling story telling from This American Life about the expansion of executive branch power under the Bush administration and the concept of the ‘unitary executive’. Anecdotes backed up with clear legal explanations.
links for 2008-04-04
Kevin: A new study finds that staff-produced blogs at newspapers create little discussion on issues.
Suw: And who will write today’s code? I know a number of companies who can’t find good develeopers, despite being immersed in the dev community. That’s affecting innovation and productivity right now. Can we even wait for school kids to grow up?