Kevin: Clay Shirky responds to Michael Gorman’s critique of Web 2.0. Mr Gorman describes it as “increase in credulity and an associated flight from expertise”. Clay’s position: If the revolution of print was good, why is the web bad?
Kevin: This is an opportunity for smart newspapers. CNN Exec: “We’re all pretty convinced that news doesn’t break on TV anymore.”
Kevin: Steve from the Bivings Report flagged up this great piece by Mark on Mediashift about collaboration and radio. Chris Lydon talks about the slow work of developing Radio Open Source. Great post.
Kevin: Twittown links to a Guardian article about MP Alan Johnson using Twitter and also looks at the broader trend of ‘microblogging’.
Kevin: Interesting review of recent journalism/citJ books. But the gems are the review of Rob Curley’s methods including how to turn new media features into a workable business plan.
Category Archives: Links
links for 2007-06-14
Suw: Fabulous post on personal productivity which recommends never scheduling anything, amongst other stuff. Scary but interesting approach.
Suw: An old essay, but a nice idea. I engage in structured procrastination all the time. In fact, I’m doing it now.
links for 2007-06-13
Suw: “We are absolutely sick to death with the annoying idea of the ‘brand’.” Bayley’s so right – you can’t pull a ‘brand’ out of thin air, it has to be linked to an actual positive experience.
Suw: Danish blogger asking why the media still pretends to be unbiased. One reason people trust bloggers is because they tend to be open about their biases, allowing you to clearly evaluate their views.
Suw: I’ve been saying this for over seven years, specifically about Welsh, but the old guard is slow to cotton on. Social software is not just good for people and business, but for language and culture too.
links for 2007-06-12
Suw: Companies are going to have to start taking data protection and privacy a lot more seriously.
Suw: Privacy International’s report into the privacy practices of the internet’s major players. Google comes out worst.
Suw: Danny Sullivan takes a critical look at PI’s privacy report, calling it inept and unbelievable.
Suw: Matt Cutts’ response to PI’s privacy report.
links for 2007-06-09
Kevin: Using source material to back up a story. The Guardian (my employer) used an audio clip to back up a story about the England cricket team. Andrew also uses the interview of example of why live interviews are still important.
Kevin: Andy points to big questions given to online newsroom leaders. Convincing print execs that the web is valid. Hyper-local news the saviour? News edited or filtered? What’s next?
Kevin: I guess I’ve got my shopping list of good gear. Mindy writes up a great list of good gear for multimedia projects.
links for 2007-06-08
Suw: Greaty post on participation inequality and how it affected the Utah school vouchers bill.
Suw: resources here for: human rights activists, broadcasters, technology developers, NGOs, consumer rights groups, journalists, policy makers, researchers etc
Suw: I wish more conference organisers would pay attention to this
Suw: Handle with care. Wikis can backfire badly if they aren’t set up and run well, they’re certainly not a quick or easy to way to build community.
Suw: Knock-on effects – P2P ruins physical piracy… cheap, easy plentiful, legal downloads would seriously dent P2P numbers.
Suw: Pandora’s using zipcode instead of IP address to filter. Wonder how many listeners they have in Beverley Hills and Schenectady. Copyright Review Board is doing very, very bad things though. 🙁
Suw: Wasn’t able to watch the C4 story without the right plugin, but from what i heard about it, it seemed manufactured. Certainly the party was.
Suw: Wireless power! My dreams will finally be fulfilled – no more searching for powerpoints at conferences. Mind you, it will send the anti-wifi crowd nuts.
links for 2007-06-07
Suw: This applies not just to lions attacking, but also to technological change, current ‘security threats’ that are destroying our rights, and, well, pretty much everything.
Suw: Leisa Reichelt’s notes from her talk at Reboot. I really hope that a video comes to light eventually as I would love to see it.
Suw: Old post from Feb 06 about the 1/10/100 rule of participation in Yahoo!
Suw: Long post explaining participation inequality and what can be done about it.
Suw: Google Street View. Mmmm lovely! Very much like Quakr, but with all the weight of Google behind it.
Suw: Fabulous idea. But I wonder how many secrets get found and thrown away by the cleaners?
Kevin: Q: Why are people turning away from newspapers? A: Because many think they are biased. “It was the third most popular reason cited by people as to why they didn’t read papers, from the online survey of 8,749 adults in seven countries”
links for 2007-06-05
Kevin: Geo-tagging is the key to local aggregation says Lisa Williams with Placeblogger. It’s going to take some help from bloggers, Flickr users, Twitterers, vloggers. But in that challenge is an opportunity for outreach.
Kevin: Companies are moving out of Second Life and looking at creating their own virtual worlds for better security and more control. They also want to target users younger than SL’s average age of 30.
Suw: The ultimate GTD site.
links for 2007-06-01
Kevin: $75m for what? For the “2.3 million people who have filled out profiles at StumbleUpon”. … “a StumbleUpon search for “cars” could generate a list of Web pages that factor in a user’s income, age, gender, etc”
links for 2007-05-31
Kevin: It’s a post from more than a year ago by Stowe Boyd, but it it has a great point: “Those blogs that we started at Corante that did not take off… : too much speech, not enough banter.”
Kevin: I’m paraphrasing badly, but that is Douglas McLennan’s point. Stop bitching and start a revolution. News orgs need to stop complaining about Google and get their digital houses in order. Innovate. Build a business.