Kevin: Scroll down. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates take the stage together at the D conference “despite scientists’ worries that the density of their combined egos could open a rift in the space-time continuum.”.
Kevin: Martin Belam looks at blogging journalists and compares their Bloglines subscriber levels. It’s nice to see Strange Attractor up there in the top five. It’s one way to measure relative traffic, but as Martin admits a crude measure.
Kevin: Martin Belan looks at British newspaper blogs, ranking them by the number of subscriptions via Bloglines. As he says, it’s a crude measurement, a blurry Polaroid of a snapshot.
Kevin: In the wake of dramatic cuts at the SF Chronicle, journalism professor Neil Henry mourns the ‘decline of news’. I don’t agree with a lot of what he writes about a ‘fractured society, less informed by fact’. There is more information, not less.
Category Archives: Links
links for 2007-05-29
Kevin: Ryan Sholin refines the wisdom of the crowds idea with respect to UGC and news. “Tap into the crowd of 100 to find the 4 wise people and then do it again and again with every story. Pretty soon you’ll find yourself with a field of community leade
Kevin: Good tips for speeding up and fixing Mac Mail. This saved my bacon today. And Mail is back working faster than ever.
links for 2007-05-26
Kevin: Scoble looks wistfully back to the good old days of 2002 when social software was a sleepy little corner of a Silicon Valley still recovering from the dot.com collapse. But I hear him when he talks about people doing it for ‘the love of it’.
Kevin: Mike Arrington of TechCrunch says: “the same thing happened in the late nineties before the bubble burst. Lots of startups got funded that made no sense but people got excited anyway.”
links for 2007-05-25
Kevin: Jeff Jarvis looks at a recent column in Newsweek. Journalists used to need two skills: Writing and reporting. But now they need a range of multimedia and internet skills. Distraction? People are just as informed.
Kevin: Dan Gillmor, director of the centre for citizen media, Michael Manness, vice president of strategic planning for the newspaper division of Gannett News and Rich Skrenta, CEO of Topix.net discuss changes in news on KQED.
Kevin: Editor & Publisher in the US looks at three recent newspaper website redesign. The new designs emphasise multimedia and interactivity. Sites that remain static risk falling behind. Change, improvement and innovation must be constant.
Kevin: Dan Gillmor comments on a Dave Winer post about ‘Web 3.0’ and the embrace of bloggers and other kinds of media “without interpretation by professional reporters.” Dan says: The collaborative potential is what gets me going. We can create new mo
Kevin: Great article by Cory Doctorow about keeping trolls from taking over your corner of the internet. I love the term “troll whisperer”, who have an ear for text and good ideas about how to take on trolls. More sophisticated methods are required.
links for 2007-05-24
Kevin: A call for change for news organisations. Some good stuff in here. “Three groups that are being challenged by one external force, the rapid adoption of easy-to-use social media tools.”
links for 2007-05-23
Suw: Ad-supported free music. Have they never heard of Audacity?
Suw: Wonderful piece of work
links for 2007-05-22
Antony is right. Songbird is great and getting better. It’s a nice light app for not only listening to your music collection but also for listening to internet audio. It’s become more stable and usable in the last few builds.
ScobleShow’s Robert Scoble, Google Vice President Marissa Mayer and Web Strategist Jeremiah Owyang answer the question. Scoble besides being a well known blogger, has a background in journalism.
links for 2007-05-15
Failed real-estate speculator finds his foreclosure blog to be wildly popular–among people who hate him and his shady dealings.Photos: The blogger and the housing bubble
Kevin: The Guardian’s Bobbie Johnson uses blogs in an interesting way to try to get some comments on a story that he’s written for the newspaper. Great way to use the medium to try to flesh out a story. Two thumbs up.
Kevin: What happens when download speeds hit 150Mbits/sec? What applications become possible? It’s not the distant future.
“The point is that the state of newspaper today is the outcome of a set of strategic choices. It wasn’t inevitable. And renewal isn’t impossible.” New DNA is needed. What should newspapers’ business model be?
links for 2007-05-12
Suw: My paper written for the Freedom of Expression Project
links for 2007-05-11
Kevin: What a great post about CSS. Lots of great layouts that people can customise. Good way to figure out the CSS for the site you want. Take these prefab layouts and some Zen of CSS, and you’ll be looking good in no time.
Suw: Michael talks sense, yet again, about social media and marketing. Gotta love this guy.
Suw: Cruel 2 be Kind comes to London. If I’m not doing weddingy-type stuff on Sunday, I might just go and join in.