Since 1996, in some way, I’ve been focused on digital transformation at media companies, initially as a front-line journalist but since 2005 either as an internal or external consultant in a wide range of roles. Topping my media newsletter today is the summary of a talk by Greg Piechota and George Brook about
There are a lot of great quotes in this summary, but Greg started by re-framing the issues around the pivot to paid as:
The reinvention is actually much bigger than just the change of a business model. It’s like the transformation of journalism from a mass market, industrial product to journalism as a service.
The digital transformation of newsrooms to become reader first, by Shelley Seale, International News Media Association
He walked through the model at The Guardian where the product hadn’t changed as much as the way that they captured value from various classes of users. “What they manage are not different products, but different sets of customers. Some customers want to contribute to support the mission. Some people want to pay for a certain user experience [mobile app, e-reader, etc],” Greg said.
I think his framing of how to become reader focused also made sense in terms of selling journalism as a process rather than as a product. By looking as journalism as a service to be sold instead of a product, then companies could re-orient around their “impact on the customer”, he said.
This dove-tailed nicely into a discussion with George Brock, former managing editor at the Times in London, about the role that trust
If you’ve got a story that you think should be in the newsletter, let me know @kevglobal on Twitter.