links for 2009-05-28

  • Kevin: The Pew Research Center for People & the Press finds: "As many newspapers struggle to stay economically viable, fewer than half of Americans (43%) say that losing their local newspaper would hurt civic life in their community "a lot." Even fewer (33%) say they would personally miss reading the local newspaper a lot if it were no longer available." Most Americans regularly get information from their local television station (68%). The other interesting point is that Generation Y (born after 1977), only 27% have read a newspaper the previous day, versus 55% of those born prior to 1946.
  • Kevin: Chris Brogan has written what he describes as the Next Media Company Manifesto. One of his first bits of food for thought: "Curators and editors rule, and creators aren’t necessarily on staff." He believes that advertising cannot be the primary method of revenue, which upends the majority of content business models right now. He believes inline content marketing and value-added services can be new revenue streams for media companies.