That’s hardly surpising, but the study says “The most popular category of user-generated content is phone-to-phone photo messaging”. Is sending a MMS social media? Or rather is messaging social media?
Davy Sims notes a 2006 Mediascope study that shows that “social networking via VoIP, IM and online forums will continue to drive internet growth as the medium becomes a more ingrained part of the consumer’s lifestyle.”
Gartner Research says: “Community involvement varies, with fewer than 2% of all Internet users acting as frequent contributors, between 10% and 15% contributing occasionally and more than 50% lurking, reading or watching what the communities are discussin
Chris Vallance riffs on my post ‘Feed the Geeks’ and goes on to say that we all are geeks of one kind or another, with ‘genuine enthusiasm and passion about a subject’.
A look at some of the licencing and monetisation services out there for blog content.
MIT has developed a system that would allow people to locate anyone in the 20,000 member MIT ‘community’ to find each other on campus. Engadget called a ‘stalker app’. Reuters called it ‘social networking in the real world’.
Peter Kann – a Pulitzer-winning journalist, is chairman of Dow Jones – writes how the press needs some mending in the Wall Street Journal. Pessism, sensationalism, lack of context are just a few problems that need fixing.