Kevin: Ian Forrester sent this to the BBC Backstage list from O’Reilly Radar. I wonder if there aren’t opportunities for news navigation based on time.
Kevin: Fellow geeks, have a read of this post and let the humour dull the pain of how many times we’ve been in this conference call or felt like saying this during meetings. (Thanks to Wayne Ma for the link)
Kevin: Scott Adams speculates about the future of newspapers (or the lack of a future) with the arrival of the iPhone and a web browser in (not quite) every pocket. But there are ideas there that news execs should look at.
Kevin: From the Social Graphing conference in San Jose. Charlene Li of Forrester Research says: Facebook marketing requires communication not advertising. I think that this is true for social media in general, not just Facebook.
Suw: The innovation landscape should not be marked with “here be dragons” all over the place… but it seems that it is.
Suw: Slightly depressing to think I might be reinventing the wheel, but on the other hand, what with blogs and stuff, maybe that reinvention might stick this time round.
Suw: Go Tim! “Twitter hits that 80/20 point, bringing me that news without all the Facebook bullshit and lame groups and dorky apps and stupid ads and data lock-in”