Kevin: Martin Stabe looks at which is more environmentally friendly: Print or online. He’s done his homework and online isn’t as green as I thought. It’s all down to electricity both in powering the internet and computers as well as paper production.
Kevin: Craig McGill asks the question and comes up with more questions than answers. “Is it the person who adds the audio, video and online elements? … Or should all of that be the work of the reporter and there shouldn’t be an online tag?” I think th
Kevin: Bryan at the Innovation in College Media blog answers Craig McGill’s question. “I don’t see an “online journalist” as a set of duties or skills. Maybe I’m naive. I see the online journalist as the journalist who knows the rewards and pitfal
Kevin: Via Martin Stabe. As Martin says: “A important case with major implications for US journalists sued under English libel law is working its way through the US courts.” British libel law undermining the First Amendment.
Kevin: It’s year in review time, but Team MediaShift has a good list of inflection points from the past year. iPhone; YouTube gets sued; Facebook; Burma covers itself; etc I’d also say that the media rushing into social spaces after the Virginia Tech shoo