Suw: Another author experiments with giving his stuff away for free online, and finds it boosts sales.
Suw: More on Paulo Coelho giving his own books away for free.
Suw: MySQL is sold to Sun Microsystems for a billion dollars, despite its business model being “voluntary pay”. But as Steve Yelvington points out, “voluntary pay” can work well in a number of different scenarios.
Suw: The benefits of opencourseware – universities putting their lectures and course materials online. Of course, we’re writing the Creative Business course from scratch, online – can’t get more open than that!
Suw: The more social software consulting I do, the more I realise that I simply must make more time this year to study psychology, ethnography, and a number of other related fields. I guess that makes me a pilot fish too.
Suw: Derek Powazek tries to come up with a solution to the problem of people nicking your images and not thinking about whether they are copyright or not. Interesting suggestion, but I doubt it would make any difference.