links for 2009-04-27

links for 2009-04-25

  • Kevin: The Wall Street Journal looks at the trials of the last four years for newspapers with some closing, others going online only and many cutting staffs, reducing pensions and putting staff on furlough.
  • Kevin: The superficiality and artificiality of commentary passing as news with respect to assessing Barack Obama's First 100 Days. The artificial mark dates back to FDR, when he met with Congress every day for the first 100 days of his presidency. It was a similar time of crisis as the US was mired in the Great Depression. But now, Howard Kurtz says: "Forget about FDR. It takes nothing more than a glance at recent history to see how absurdly premature this benchmark is. " And then explains the why it's still done. "So why do we do it? The media love anniversary-type stories."
  • Kevin: Jeff Jarvis makes an excellent argument for greater efficiency and less repetition in journalism. "Every day, with everything they do, the key question for journalists and news organizations in these tight – that is, more efficient – times must be: Are you adding value? And if you’re not, why are you doing whatever you’re doing?"
  • Kevin: The latest elegy for free web hosting site GeoCities by Fred Wilson, with Flatiron Ventures. He shares his memoires and lessons learned. "I learned a lot from that deal. I learned that the Internet is all about people expressing themselves on pages they own and control. I learned that a business deal made over dinner and a handshake can turn into hundreds of millions of dollars, I learned that good partners are worth every penny of returns you give up to get them, and I learned that selling too soon is not too painful as long as you don't sell too much. And most of all I learned that you can make 100 times your investment every once in a while. And when you do, it's something special."
  • Kevin: There are a few things worth noting in the Q1 results for US news group McClatchy. Gary Pruitt, chairman and chief executive officer, said: "The impact of the downturn had largely been limited to print advertising in 2008, but in the first quarter of 2009 it began to have a greater effect on digital advertising as well. Still, all categories of digital advertising are outperforming print advertising. In total, digital advertising revenues decreased 4.7% in the first quarter of 2009." But I think even more to note is how digital is increasing as a percentage of revenue. "Excluding employment advertising, digital advertising revenues grew 28.7% in the first quarter of 2009. Also, digital advertising represented 15.3% of total advertising revenues, up from 11.6% of total advertising for all of 2008…"
  • Kevin: Nancy Friedman writes a wonderful satire of Maureen Dowd's irritating interview with the founders of Twitter. In this pisstake, Friedman gives us a glimpse of what might have happened if Dowd had interviewed Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone. Here's how it starts:
    ME: The telephone seems like letter-writing without the paper and pen. Is there any message that can't wait for a passenger pigeon?

    BELL: Possibly the message I'd like to deliver to you right now.

links for 2009-04-24

links for 2009-04-23

links for 2009-04-22

links for 2009-04-21

links for 2009-04-20

  • Kevin: Steve Yelvington looks at the idea of the Boston Globe moving to a paid content model based on Amazon's Kindle. Rolling out a Kindle will require a lot of upfront capital, something hard to come by during the credit crunch. He suggests looking at the mobile phone industry for the kind of costs you'd need to amortise over six years. Moreover, he looks at the loss of revenue from classifieds, display advertising and banner advertising on a device like the Kindle. He also worries about Amazon as a middleman who will take a slice of an already lower margin business than newspapers.
  • Kevin: Jeff Jarvis looks the New Business Models for News Project at CUNY, which he is conducting with his students. This is worth watching, especially because they will be "doing this in the open, so we can get as much help as possible". They will begin looking at hyperlocal from a local perspective, 'a news ecosystem that comes after a metro paper," and paid content models. This is one to watch and possibly help with.

links for 2009-04-17

links for 2009-04-16

links for 2009-04-15

  • Kevin: The Washington City Paper, my old hometown free alt-weekly, has news of a shake-up at the Washington Post. It looks like the Post will be 'flattening' their editorial structure and offering buy-outs to editors. It's the fourth round of buy-outs at the paper since 2003, the City Paper reports
  • Kevin: The Guardian's Martin Belam blogs about how the video of London police attacking Ian Tomlinson during the G20 protests. Tomlinson died shortly after the attack of a heart attack. The video has prompted an inquiry into the incident. Martin shows how the video 'spread The Guardian brand across media', and talks about how novel this is in terms of British media. Before this, the BBC, Sky or ITN would be the only news organisations with exclusive video. The video, taken by an American who works in financial services, was offered to the Guardian after investigative work by Guardian reporter Paul Lewis.

    Martin does a great job showing how the video spread and how Guardian branding on the video on YouTube was carried far and wide, although some outlets tried to minimise the branding with video-player overlays. He also highlights the differences in use and attribution between online and print. Print often failed to attribute the video.

  • Kevin: A relatively easy way to combine Google Maps and Street View with Microsoft's Virtual Earth in one embed. However, unless I'm missing something, this is only for a single point. But a nice quick and dirty mashup if you want to see quite a bit of information about a location.
  • Kevin: Rebecca MacKinnon, a former CNN correspondent in Asia, interviews a group of young Chinese behind a site called, which was launched to counter what they felt was a distorted and inaccurate picture of their country presented in Western media.
  • Kevin: This is a really thorough tutorial Matthew Stoff and David Durrett of The Daily Sentinel in Nacogdoches Texas on how to not only use Twitter for breaking news from the field but also how to easily display it on your site. This was written in the US where Twitter works on SMS, but they show how it can be used with a service called TwitterMail so that someone can easily use this with a Blackberry even if it's not possible to install a Twitter app for the Blackberry such as Twitterberry. However, by using a mail-based system, they are correct in saying that you'd want to be careful who you share the account details with.