links for 2010-08-12

links for 2010-08-11

links for 2010-08-10

links for 2010-08-09

  • Kevin: A comparison of different local news strategies in the Boston area. They compare AOL's patch, part of the internet providers efforts to remake itself as a digital content company. Each site has one full-time editor who also writes and shoots video. They compared this with local newspaper chain GateHouse. Their Wicked Local sites benefit from coverage by its more than 100 community newspapers. Patch and Wicked Local also combine aggregation, highlighting local bloggers content. It's too early to declare one model the winner, but worthwhile knowing the different models in play.

links for 2010-08-05

links for 2010-08-04

links for 2010-08-03

  • Kevin: Josh Benton at Nieman Lab has said that the current crisis in journalism is actually an opportunity to rethink its grammar, and Megan Garber has an excellent post on a good first step: Rethink the news cycle.

    “Because we choose, essentially, topic over time as journalism’s core ordering principle, we don’t generally think about time as an order unto itself. Newness, and nowness, become our default settings, and our default objectives. The ‘tyranny of recency,’ Thompson calls it.”

    Or, put another way in this post, the tyranny of the news peg. This is a very thoughtful post pointing at possibilities in how to rethink journalism.

links for 2010-07-31

  • Kevin: Google has opened up its Places API (which differs from its Latitude API). Some of the first developers to get access to these services will be developers creating check-in services ala Foursquare and Gowalla. As TechCrunch points out, this doesn't mean that Foursquare and Gowalla will have new competition (they are beating up on each other quite well). However, the pure check-in space is going to get quite a bit noisier. This also supports my view that location is much more of a platform than a specific service. Foursquare really is built around using game play to get people to check in, and using that information to provide access to businesses wishing to market to those people. However, location has many other applications and business models, and as Forrester recently found, Foursquare is still a relatively minority sport. (4% in the US)
  • Kevin: My friend and former colleague Roy Greenslade says in the wake of the Wikileaks Afghan War Logs story: "Confidential sources have therefore come to be seen as the lifeblood of modern journalism, as I have said so often down the years to my journalism students. But I now concede that I have overstated the point and downplayed the important, and often crucial, business of discovering, reading and analyzing raw data." Roy is really beating the drum for journalists analysing raw data. Computer-assisted reporting has been an important boutique skill in the US, and it is now good to see the recognition of its importance in the UK.

links for 2010-07-30