Kevin: Meg Pickard’s reflections on Le Web 3 2007 including her verdict on the soon to be infamous Girls of Le Web video. Few women at the conference and then those who were there find themselves in a web video? Bad.
Kevin: An economist runs the numbers and finds that for most major city newspapers that the time for paywalls has come and gone. It probably made sense until 2004, but now, they should move to free online, advertising based business models.
Category Archives: Links
links for 2007-12-13
Suw: It’s not just exotic animals and husbands that can benefit from a more thoughtful response.
Suw: I’m starting to see how incredibly important offline time is, not just for getting into a state of flow when working, but also for allowing free thought and assimilation of recently learnt information.
Suw: Hyperproductivity and social tools.
links for 2007-12-12
Kevin: Paul Bradshaw summarises Amy Gahran’s lessons in her Twitter/microblogging experiment. “If blogs are about niches, microblogging is about microniches. … So, think Madeleine McCann, not ‘news headlines‘
links for 2007-12-11
Kevin: David Sasaki who I met through Global Voices has a great post on motivations for being Open – both with software and content. For those of you who get paid to create content and wonder why people do it for free, read this post.
Suw: A lesson here, I think, for anyone presenting at a conference. Wouldn’t conferences be so much more interesting of presenters didn’t just stand there and drone on?
links for 2007-12-10
Kevin: Antony Mayfield asks: Makes me wonder what the role of a union is in this age for journalists. Should it be to focus on employers and policies or ways of encouraging journalistic enterprise? It’s in the wake of the NUJ Multimedia Working Commission
Kevin: Neil McIntosh reviews the NUJ’s Commission on Multimedia Working report. He says it’s a step in the right direction but is also concerned that it still contains the Code on ‘Witness Contributors’.
Kevin: Suw and I experienced this first hand recently with Virgin Media. Corporations can record our conversations with nothing more than a fig leaf of a disclaimer, but when we record conversations, we’re denied. There can’t be one law for companies and
Kevin: A podcast sceptic lists on MediShift gives reasons why she thinks that podcasts haven’t taken off. Too long. Unfocused. Good content hard to find. Hard to manage. Hard to ‘skim’. I didn’t listen much to podcasts until I got my iPod.
links for 2007-12-07
Kevin: Tours of Times and FT newsrooms give tips on how to spread the future in your newsroom. FT master classes over lunch. FT also builds story throughout the day online, not waiting for print.
Kevin: Thanks to Steve Petersen of Bivings for the link. Tom Curley of AP talks about future sources of revenue and states that breaking news is a premium business. He also argues that local news is a business model to grow.
Suw: I couldn’t agree with Deb (and therefore, Seth) more. PR people: Do not hunt me – I am not a creature to be captured and killed.
links for 2007-12-02
Suw: Leisa has a spot-on post about how banks (and websites) simultaneously tell us to be responsible regarding our security whilst irresponsibilly luring us into bad behaviours. Should be compulsory reading for all web developers and bank managers.
Suw: Great article by Cory on how Facebook is digging its own grave. I couldn’t agree more.
links for 2007-11-29
Kevin: This was a dumb, poorly financed deal based on a best case scenario that never was going to happen. With the sub-prime meltdown hitting real estate and classified ads, it’s only going to get worse.
Kevin: Steve Outing shares lessons from the Enthusiast Group’s effort to launch outdoor sports focused community groups. In the end, they have closed the business, but they have learned a lot about media, community and UGC.
links for 2007-11-26
Suw: Robert Scoble is not impressed with the Kindle he bought. I’m not famous enough to be given a review Kindle, and I’ve no desire to buy something with DRM baked in, so I guess I’ll never know what it’s like. I’m not missing much, by the looks of it.
Suw: Fancy being on about 700 databases? Well, you probably already are…
links for 2007-11-24
Kevin: Tom Coates says: “In France with blogs and the US, cultural products try to look up to date by actively pushing new sites and services. In the UK, cultural products are resistant to the new, denying their impact.”
Kevin: This is a belated link but I was looking through my unread feeds and found this link from Bryan at College Media Innovation titled “The last words of a journalist: that’s not my job”. It was inspired by Merand Watling, a young journalist getting