Suw: Ben Goldacre gives journalists some advice about how to deal with that thar intarwebz thingie. Some of his points are very excellent indeed.
Suw: The TUC offer employers some startlingly sensible advice about Facebook and internet/email usage at work. Good to see them saying something constructive, rather than the rubbish that comes out of unions like the NUJ or the NUT.
Suw: Really cool project by the Open Rights Group to let people comment more easily on government consultations. I think it uses the same Yahoo! UI system that Jack Slocum put together – at least it looks like it.
Suw: Neat, yet also scary. Photos just shouldn’t be this stretchy.
Suw: SFWA issues DMCA takedowns to anyone on Scribed who used the word “Asimov” in their file, including Cory Doctorow. A) They’re screwed. B) These people write science fiction, but are scared of tecnology. Oh, the irony.
Category Archives: Links
links for 2007-08-29
Suw: Interesting discussion in the comments to this photo by Tom Coates. Tom really wants PR people to stop pestering him, a POV I have much sympathy for.
Suw: Further discussion from Tom regarding his position on PR and advertising.
Suw: Jeremy Paxman on what’s wrong with the media. I usually find Paxman to be highly irritating, but he makes some very valid points in this speech. Sadly, not sure anyone’s really listening.
links for 2007-08-23
Kevin: Jay Rosen lists bloggers doing journalism to refute a poorly reported column in the LATimes about blogging. He asks his readers to help.
links for 2007-08-22
Suw: Encouraging figures that show EMI are doing well with their new non-DRM digital strategy. Let’s hope that the positive results continue.
links for 2007-08-21
Suw: Serious journalistic piece examining the meteoric rise of the internet L-O-L cat phenomenon. Srsly. Kthxbai.
Kevin: I think just is just the tip of the iceberg with respect to applications of GPS and cell (mobile) phones. Finding friends and family is the beginning, but I think there are a number of location based news applications.
links for 2007-08-17
Suw: The BBC introduce social bookmarking links on every news page to make it easier for users to send stories to Del.icio.us, Digg, Reddit, Facebook and StumbleUpon.
links for 2007-08-16
Suw: I hate partial feeds, and the “driving people to the ads” excuse is totally out of date – Corante uses in-feed ads, and many people use browsers that block ads. So where’s the win?
Suw: I hadn’t heard of a lot of this top 10 British dotcoms, so will have to investigate more!
Kevin: Gannett launches mobile sites for 100 of its local titles. I wonder what this means for carriers. Will they help, hinder or be neutral about this content? Does it matter in the US where flat rate data plans are common?
Suw: Johson & Johnson’s Ray Jordan bravely blogs about J&J’s lawsuit against the American Red Cross for breaking the terms of their trademark agreement with J&J. He gets a lot of flack, but deals with it well. Bravo.
Suw: Ooh, shiny toy! I want one!
Suw: Australian chain A&R invite ‘underperforming’ suppliers to cough up cash in order to stay A&R suppliers. (Isn’t that normally called extortion?) Michael Rakusin from Tower Books response with “voluble hilarity”.
Suw: Dave Fenlon, Chief Operating Officer at Angus & Robertson responds to the response to A&R’s astonishingly arrogant letter to suppliers with… wait for it.. more arrogance. Very entertaining.
Suw: Incredibly neat use of four synced music videos to create one really cool one.
Suw: It’s a death of a thousand cuts for DRM, but we do seem finally to be getting towards that final, fatal blow. If only the BBC were taking any notice.
Suw: Ooh, I don’t like the look of this. Deep packet inspection might be able to do some good things for the internet, but it also enables some very unhealthy behaviours, like quietly demolishing net neutrality.
links for 2007-08-15
Show Yourself is a simple to configure widget that will display your web identities ranging from flickr to facebook to kongregate.
links for 2007-08-09
Suw: “Insecurity is the norm. If any system — whether a voting machine, operating system, database, badge-entry system, RFID passport system, etc. — is ever built completely vulnerability-free, it’ll be the first time in the history of mankind.”
links for 2007-08-04
Suw: Facebook’s been having a bit of a bumpy ride lately, what with the inbox mixup and the court case.
Suw: Sometimes I think that Second Life has more in common with IRC than anything else. One day, I’ll blog that thought and explain why.