Kevin: Don’t have time for community? Rethink your priorities. Steve Yelvington: “Stop putting all your time into cutting and pasting newspaper stories onto the web, I said. Your limits are real, but you can reallocate.”
Kevin: A great roundup on community, user-generated content and what encourages participation. It’s a good roundup and has some thought provoking ideas for people looking to develop community strategies.
Kevin: WashingtonPost.Newsweek Interactive rolls out a blog ad network. “Adify promises to let the client accept advertising that’s much more focused than that available through larger, more opaque networks.” Targets specific audiences.
Kevin: Outside.in launches as an aggregator of local blogs in 63 cities in the US.
Category Archives: Links
links for 2007-02-28
Kevin: I paraphrase: Print hacks have less fear of treading over those broadcast conventions that TV journalists have adopted as gospel. The result is that “minute by minute” the best newspaper video is better than TV news.
Kevin: Lots of good information in here that can inform RSS and syndication strategies. “people might be reading your content directly on your site, within a widget, via resyndicated headlines on another site, or on a social networking site.”
links for 2007-02-27
Kevin: How to query Pipes in the the new Yahoo service from an external page. Bit of a caveat emptor with slow service externally, but worth some trying.
Kevin: Jeff Jarvis expands on Suw’s post about Six Apart and wonders “whether news organizations start to look more like platforms and less like closed content compaies, enabling news to be gathered and shared across a wide network of contributors, owners
Nice post from Jeff taking a slightly different angle on the MT/Typepad problem.
links for 2007-02-20
Kevin: A sceptic of user-generated content says it doesn’t belong on the mainstream media. It’s an interesting post that might counter some of the general entusiasm about UGC in the media.
Suw: *giggle*
Kevin: Vin Crosbie gives a scathing but extremely useful critique of the over-use of the term “citizen journalism”. Not everyone wants to be professional journalists.
Kevin: Very timely piece in BusinessWeek about Gannett’s new approach. “Some of what Gannett stresses is the kind of Web 101 that local newspapers should have been doing all along.”
Kevin: Study finds that in the US, in five years, local online video advertising will exceed $5 billion, roughly one-third of all local online ads.
Kevin: Newspaper video may trump TV online, but only if they don’t try to be TV.
links for 2007-02-16
Suw: Interesting discussion about ebooks.
Kevin: Top tips for organising your e-mail. Suw thinks that e-mail is broken. I’ve definitely had to think about managing my e-mail.
Kevin: AP partners with NowPublic, a citizen journalism site. From the release: “It is designed to help NowPublic expand its rapidly growing network of worldwide contributors by exposing them to the opportunities they have to produce valuable news materia
Kevin: I’m still playing with Yahoo Pipes and getting my head around how it works. It is a germ of a great idea.
Kevin: Jimmy Wales talks about Wikipedia and breaking news coverage – in this case the changes to Anna Nicole Smith’s page after her death.
Kevin: A former A-10 pilot explains a cockpit tape from a ‘blue-on-blue’ incident that resulted in the tragic death of a British soldier. Level-headed, knowledgeable analysis. Great example of citizen analysis.
links for 2007-02-15
Kevin: Stowe Boyd looks at a Pew Internet & American Life study that shows how widespread tagging has become. The study also looks at who is tagging.
Kevin: How to use Google to find out who is linking to you.
Kevin: Amy Gahran calls on the Philadelphia Inquirer not to kill it’s venerable blog Blinq because it will be throwing away a golden opportunity and a golden community. I had to give up my Washington blog for the BBC after the US elections in 2004. What a
links for 2007-02-14
Kevin: Jeff Jarvis calls red herring on a number of arguments put forward by Big Media folks such as cuts will mean cutbacks in reporting. Skewers the media on their pack reporting
links for 2007-02-13
Suw: Great little video that sums up Web 2.0 in a nutshell.
Suw: Doesn’t sound like WeMedia was any better this year than last.
Suw: De Montfort University and Penguin put up a wiki for the collaborative writing of a novel. Or three. Seems to be an open invitation to trolls, but the proof of the pudding will be in the writing. I can’t say that I’m hopeful.
Suw: Nice bit of stats, there, and we all know I can’t resist some stats. Even if they are web stats and therefore open to interpretation.
Suw: The whole article, via the ‘print’ page.
Suw: A study “documents what’s been going on in the U.S. labor market over the past six years, since January 2001. It provides an eye-opening account of what happens when business, and in particular media, moves from the physical to the virtual world.”
links for 2007-02-12
Suw: Beautiful little site with some very touching, fun and interesting videos, proving that video doesn’t have to be TV. Really nice interface too.
links for 2007-02-11
Kevin: Wow, wow and wow. Yahoo’s new Pipes pre-fab mashup service. Jon Udell speaking of a vision of the web as ‘data sources’ that could be re-used. But can news organisations think laterally enough to understand how this applies to them?