Web 2.0? It’s about finding people

Susan Crawford has a great post about how all this structured metadata in Web 2.0 is really about helping us to see the patterns in the networks that we are a part of, find people that we need to find, and create bonds we need to create in order to get things done.

These meta-informational thingies are letting us see our online environment in ways we can’t possibly see the offline world. What’s important isn’t just that these thingies are dynamic (although that’s clearly important) but also that they can be (1) visualized and (2) affected by the attention of individuals.

[…] we can find issues and people we want to work on/with and then actually do something about it. That’s the big difference. All this high-quality meta-information allows us to see the rules and roles that make up groups online, join those institutions for brief periods of time (because we’re just the right person for the job) and change the world.

Technorati on Newsweek

Newsweek are now using Technorati to provide a list of links to blogs which cite their articles. On their front page are the most blogged of Newsweek’s articles, and then each feature itself, such as this one on podcast porn, links through to a page of excerpts from the blogosphere. It’s a nice little feedback loop, creating a two way street between mainstream media and the blogosphere. I hope we see more of this.

Defending digital rights in the UK

I’ve had a few meetings with Danny O’Brien from the Electronic Frontier Foundation over the last few weeks, talking about the possibility of starting some sort of EFF-like organisation in the UK and generally volunteering myself to assist. At the moment, the digital rights activist community in the UK is somewhat fragmented and I believe that there’s a real need to provide to the organisations that exist some tools with which to share knowledge and encourage collaboration, and to draw new people into the various related debates.

We started the debate today with the Where’s the British EFF? panel discussion at OpenTech, and a straw poll of the audience at the end showed that there is support for such an organisation. After the session was over, Danny set up a pledge drive on Pledgebank, in order to raise some money to get things moving.

“I will create a standing order of 5 pounds per month to support an organisation that will campaign for digital rights in the UK but only if 1000 other people will too.”

— Danny O’Brien

Already we have 20 people signed up – just another 980 to go before 25 Dec 05. If you believe that we need to protect out digital rights here in the UK (and Europe) then please do make that pledge.

I’m really very excited about being a part of this. Over the last year I’ve got more and more involved in copyright and digital rights activism, and I’m delighted to have the opportunity to do more.

OpenTech 2005

Here at OpenTech 2005, feeling very much in my natural habitat: surrounded by fellow geeks. Although a bout of delayed jetlag knocked me out a little this morning and I spent the second session sitting in the hallway talking to Alan Connor, who was suffering dreadfully from a hangover and thus was pretty much in the same state of mind as I.

The session I chaired, Practical Open Content (with Rufus Pollack, Paula le Dieu, Steve Coast and Tom Chance – thanks guys!), went pretty well I think. We discussed various open content projects, including Science Commons, Remix Reading, Free Culture UK and Open Street Maps, and the various issues faced by them. It was all videoed, and as usual I feel a bit of a loss about what was said because I was so busy concentrating on it that I can’t remember it. I’m sure someone somewhere took notes, but it was a good discussion with interesting questions from the audience.

Because I’m feeling a bit tired, I haven’t taken notes of everything. In fact, there’s just the BBC Backstage launch and the discussion about launching a British/European version of the EFF. I’m sure that others have taken notes, so maybe try the Opentech tag on Technorati. Oh, and don’t forget the Essential OpenTech 2005 Primer, which is just ace.

BBC Backstage

Ben Metcalfe announced the official launch of BBC Backstage, wherein the BBC make various bits of their content available for non-commercial use – as they put it ‘use our stuff to build your stuff’. He went through a bunch of slides explaining what sort of stuff they are releasing and how, and what sort of stuff you might like to think about building with their stuff.

Really cool examples:

Dynamite, which is a site remixing BBC Travel news, local news, Flickr, weather and Google maps. Ubercool.

BBC News Front Page Archive, which shows every change made to the front page of the BBC News site, e.g. the archive of July 7th. (Related fact: BBCi was fielding 50,000 hits a second yesterday.)

Rebotcast Reads BBC News, which is a podcast of a bot reading the news

He also announced a competition for BBC Backstage developers, to encourage people to come up with prototypes that demonstrate new uses for the BBC’s programme schedule data and win actual real prizes such as a server. Geek bling!

Should there be a British EFF?

Ian Brown, Rufus Pollock, Danny O’Brien, Cory Doctorow

Missed Ian’s short talk, sorry.

Rufus, has worked with FFII, UKCDR, Friends of the Creative Domain. But rather go through the organisations, why we are having these discussions because these issues that relate to the knowledge economy are suddenly becoming very important. Similar to the environmental issues from the 60s onwards when it became important. So there is a whole spectrum of groups who are working in that area – there is no single solution to how we organise activism and policy etc. Those of us here believe in an open approach but there’s not a lot of representation, e.g. at a political level, and in the media they are not taking both sides of the debate. At the basic level, we need to have a group that people, e.g. journalists, know they can call. FFII does get calls, but that’s only just started happening. But we need a spectrum of people – extremists and the guys who cut the deal are required, we need people to say XYZ is unacceptable, to stir things up, and the people who then actually do the deal.

Cory, from the American EFF. EFF is not a legal defence organisation, but they take very narrow cases which can change the law. They have no funding or resources to be a defence organisation, although they have contacts. EFF didn’t start out to be an impact litigator. It was founded and funded by some people who wanted to defend people in need, so they hired attorneys and it developed from there. Do grassroots organisation, work on policy/standards/treaties and lobbying, but what we don’t do very well is grassroots stuff that goes beyond letter writing and sending us a cheque. There’s a real concern that if there were chapters of the EFF that they would stray from the EFF’s position and could end up in court arguing against themselves. Are now leading some free software project, but need other things, say for designers, and any UK organisation needs to consider that. Cory is the entire EFF staff in all of Europe. Often bad laws are created by a sort of too-fro process by edging things forward on two fronts. Cory is here to work on the issues where American laws might have an impact on European laws. In the States, had a big victory for the Broadcast Flag, but in Europe there is a similar initiative that goes further than the Broadcast Flag did, and that’s the sort of thing that a European/UK activist group should be addressing. You don’t need to be a geek to understand some of these issues.

Questions from Danny: What works and what’s missing?

Ian – what doesn’t work is membership organisations, and things such as FIPR or No To ID which is a single issue thing and costs only £10-£15 to join, haven’t been successful. It’s not that people don’t like joining (look at Greenpeace or the RSPB), but for some reason these things haven’t worked as well as in the US. Activism in terms getting people to write to MPs for e.g., doesn’t seem to work either, and when people write it doesn’t really work in getting MPs to change their mind if it goes contrary to party line. Lobbying is better, e.g. House of Lords are far more interested in digital ID than the House of Commons, especially Labour MPs.

Rufus – potential approaches, we are lucky that we care about something and that’s what motivates people. Abstract issues are difficult, but concrete things involve people. Pitch actual examples to the grassroots, not the concepts, e.g. all software developers would be affected by software patents, but open source people were the most involved in the campaign to resist them. So getting people engaged is to look for people who are affected. Often membership organisations bootstrap from donations, although often membership orgs don’t pay their own way. Will be difficult to run a policy organisation on volunteers – activists yes, but not policy. If you’re doing to talk to the government and press you need funding, which is hard to get in the UK. Can provide a community and try to grow it, but without funding it’s difficult.

Cory – EFF doesn’t take government money. Here think tanks can get money, but activists can’t. EFF has built coalitions with other activists groups and that works very well. Appeals to the constitution also works, e.g. with strong crypto they used a free speech argument which worked rather than the arguments about technical issues. Human rights issues are very strong and powerful. There is the European Court of Human Rights, and it overrides local law and it’s important to look at that, because young lawyers will do it for free. Letter writing campaign, even duplicative letters, work in the US. If you get someone to write a letter, even a duplicative letter, introduces them to actually doing something. Appealing to industry does not work in the US.

Danny – Money’s what’s missing. Historically, every few years the idea of organising a big thing comes up. Danny’s done this and money is lacking.

Stef Magdalinski – We can do a lot without money, theyworkforyou cost £2k, and has gone round the dot.com millionaires and asked for money and they just vanish. Having given up on the UK guys, the US guys have made their money globally and shouldn’t we ask them to fund a global project.

Danny – there’s more than just dot.com billionaires, there are organisations that are in this area. But because we are used to doing this on a shoelace, and there’s no access to these people.

Richard Alan – Ex-MP. Was in the house of commons. Letter writing does work. Any MP that got 100 letters on an issue would act. Making it concrete is important, you have to make things relevant to people, say ‘this is what will happen to your constituents’, then that is concrete. Money is important and has been lacking. Another thing is about liberty, because although we have a Liberty, they muddy the waters by focusing on human rights.

The Rest

Back in the hallway, mainly cos their’s wifi here. Probably not going to take anymore notes, but has been a damn good day.


OpenTech 2005 line-up announced

The good people behind OpenTech 2005 (23 July 05, Imperial College, Hammersmith) have announced a provisional schedule, and it looks great. I’m chairing the first session in the seminar stream:

Practical Open Content 11.30am – 12.20pm

Chair: Suw Charman

Paula Le Dieu – Science Commons

Tom Chance – Remix Reading

Steve Coast – OpenStreetMap

Rufus Pollock – announcement of Free Culture UK

My only disappointment is that this means I’ll be missing one of my all-time favourite speakers, Danny O’Brien:

Living Life in Public 11.30am – 12.20pm

On the Net, you can go from obscurity to slashdotting to global fame to obscurity without making a penny. You can have privacy or influence, but not both. You can be famous for fifteen people, but not keep a forwarded email a secret. Danny O’Brien talks about the decoupling of fame and fortune, and the new security of obscurity.

Danny and I have chatted briefly about this subject before, and I was really looking forward to seeing how his idea for the talk had evolved. Guess I’ll have to beg someone to record it for me instead.

Another tough choice will be:

The Future is Open (or should be) 3pm – 3.50pm

Chair: Ben Hammersley

Jeremy Zawodny, Yahoo Troublemaker

The last few years have seen interest surge in “open” technology, standards, formats, and APIs. Why is this important for those who use and write software, those who create and enjoy digital media, and those building new businesses? Jeremy will make some informed speculation where is all this headed and talk about what Yahoo doing in these areas.


Where’s the British EFF? 3pm – 3.50pm

Chair: Danny O’Brien

Does the UK need a membership digital rights organisation? And if so, what cool-sounding acronyms haven’t already been taken?

Panel discussion with:

Cory Doctorow, Electronic Frontier Foundation

Ian Brown, European Digital Rights

Rufus Pollock, Open Knowledge Foundation Network

Woe is me. Alas, alac and woe. And alas again.

So, if you’ve nothing better to do on 23 July – and trust me, you don’t have anything better to do on 23 July – you should come along. Will be a great day, with suitable amounts of disorganisation and chaos to keep us all amused in the breaks.

New Media Knowledge Seminar: Blogging – A Real Conversation

Went to the New Media Knowledge seminar Blogging: A Real Conversation yesterday and did a 14 minute (it was closely timed!) talk on objectivity. Although I decided not to show my mindmap to the world during the talk, I’ve uploaded it to Flickr. It doesn’t encompass everything that I said – for the last five minutes I was extemporising on the blogosphere and how subjectivity is an essential art for marketers to learn if they are going to be capable of understanding and fitting into it. (Must learn to judge the timings of my talks better.)

Still, it was very interesting to see what else was said. I enjoyed Johnnie Moore‘s discussion on authority – who gives it to whom and why – and why we blog. Less of a talk and more of a chat, it was a nice change of pace.

I disagree, however, with Johnnie’s dislike of having speakers. Yes, having speakers stand up in front of an audience does create an us-them dichotomy which is especially false when you are in a room full of your peers, but in an ideal world that’s because the speaker knows something the audience doesn’t, and the audience wants to find out what. As a speaker, I don’t feel that I seize the authority to stand up in front of people talk about the stuff I talk about, I feel that I am granted grace to do so by the audience and that I had better damn well say something interesting. I do like more open-space/discussion type formats too, but I do see the value in a good keynote.

The corollary to that, of course, is that a crap keynote makes you feel like you’ve just wasted precious minutes of your life that you are never going to get back. But then, so does a crap discussion or a crap open space session. Can’t win ’em all.

Adriana Cronin-Lukas outlined a stark choice for marketers: either learn how to engage with your customers in a way which they find acceptable, or find yourself being forced into more and more outrageous attempts to capture attention. Her point that interruption-based advertising is outmoded and doomed to failure as we find better and better ways to route round it was well made. We are in an arms race now, as the marketers find new ways to grab our attention and as we create new filters (both mental and technological) to get rid of adverts. I wonder what the future of advertising holds – people are generally pretty media savvy these days, but when the kids of today grow up, having been used to dealing with the media their whole lives, will they be so savvy that advertising no longer works? Or will they be just like us, perpetually annoyed each new crappy gimmick?

I also liked Adriana’s equation:

bias + transparency = credibility

Works for me.

Was lovely to finally meet Rafael Behr, journalist and Observer blogger, and I say that not just (although possibly partly) because I’m on their blog roll. He had some interesting stuff to say about blogging and the media. I really like what he’s doing with the Observer blog – I particularly like the fact that it really is a bloggish blog, which just rambles along from day to day covering whatever subjects Rafael feels like writing about. Just like a normal blog, and not at all the journalistic behemoth that some people seemed to assume it would be. Good to hear Rafael’s perspective on how all that works and what the pitfalls are, though.

Sabrina Dent, the beginning of whose talk I unfortunately missed because I was a bit delayed getting to the venue, talked about whether or not blogging is a new communicationsn paradigm, and decided that no, it wasn’t. I missed the quote about the bees, so have had to lift if from Paul Goodison (who took notes – I’m going off memory):

Of most interest was her quote from a book called Out of Control by Kevin Kelly, which described the behaviour of bees when they find new food sources and how they communicate this back to the hive. The more vigourous and exciting the dance, the more bees visit that location.

Nice analogy.

Mike Beeston talked about how people have been doing bloggish things for centuries, but that the shift now has been the immediacy with which we can make links and transfer information. Couple of hundred years ago, one had to send off horsemen into the unknown with messages in order to organise insurrection. Now we can do it instantly via a whole bunch of technologies.

I think he missed a point out though – it’s not just instantaneous communications that are changing the way that we act and interact, but also persistency. Arrangements can be made for a temporally constrained event synchronously (e.g. proxy meetings which are organised on the fly via mobile phones) or asynchronously (e.g. via email).

We’ve always had asynchronous communications, and the problem with them is if you miss the boat – if the communication goes astray and it is ephemeral (a letter lost in the post, for example), then you never know that you didn’t get it. The difference now is that both synchronous and asynchronous communications have persistence – they exist online allowing that data to be more easily and more widely disseminated. If you miss the IRC chat in which your insurrection is being organised, the logs can be made available. If you’re using a blog, then it doesn’t matter when the details were posted, people can continue to read it up to and beyond the event you are organising.

Lloyd Davis has made a wiki for notes, and is posting the audio up too although that doesn’t appear to be available yet. UPDATE: Audio is now up.

I’ll be interested to listen to it, if only to find out what I said. (Oh, and on that note, if you were there, please do give me feedback on my talk – I really want to know whether it was any good or not, and what I could do to improve my speaking style.)

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Supernova: The Backchannel

Ross Mayfield, Mary Hodder, Suw Charman

As I was on this panel, it was pretty difficult to take notes. I think because it was a bit of an ad hoc, slightly chaotic panel – reflecting nicely the backchannel, I think – no one seemed to start taking notes until I put SubEthaEdit, which we were using for the collaborative note taking, up on the screen.

Funny that.

We talked a bit about what the backchannel is, and I described how IRC can be sniping, or it can be a force for good. Mary put together a film which sadly didn’t render properly so had no sound. Then we answered questions and I demo’d SubEtha Edit.

Here are the notes from SEE, thanks to Tom, Nat and Kevin for these:

Find SubEthaEdit here: http://www.codingmonkeys.de/subethaedit/

SubEthaEdit was designed for pair programming.

The last panel on the Backchannel…

Comment from the audience – we talk about the immersive gaming and the like, but why is the conference a one-way / one-speaker channel? one of the best things about the whole enterprise has been that while people are talking you can go and explore the blogs and read around it. It’s one of the best and most immersive explorations of the subjects that I’ve been involved with…

“This has been the best session so far”, says rohit.

Ross Mayfield: I founded this company based on wikis. Doc Searls said ‘look at the energy in the room’ “The thing for Supernova for me is always the people who are here”.

Suw: It [SubEthaEdit] runs over the local network Rendezvous (Bonjour) tells you who else is on the local network with you.

It allows a speed of note-taking that even I can’t get. It allows a collaborative document that is tidier than any one person could create. It’s a nice way of supporting a kind of community in the room. You feel like you’re in a little team, that’s supporting each other.

It’s extraordinarily productive as well. I was sitting around with Tantek and Kevin and Greg yesterday talking about the microformats stuff. It would take you a lot longer to do that stuff if you were passing around documents and the like…

One last comment or question? {no}

Suw: Yay! Where’s my vodka???

* *** ***** *** *

Ok, so my thoughts on all this.

I didn’t really know what I was going to talk about on this panel – last panel, on something which usually defies generalisation, doesn’t really encourage much in the way of preparation.

I’ve been in really constructive, useful backchannels before, where people are adding to the conversations and panels that are happening up on stage. People can dig up links, explain jargon or ideas, and add to what’s been said with further information. Equally, people can push back on speakers who have got it wrong – there was one speaker at Supernova (I wasn’t paying attention at the time) who said something about no one ever setting up a home-made lemonade stand in San Francisco, and within seconds Tantek had posted a picture of a lemonade stand in San Francisco that he had taken a couple of weeks earlier.

It’s true that sometimes the backchannel just descends into sniping, snarkiness and sexual innuendo, but usually this happens when people get bored with what they are seeing on stage. When speakers are engaging, the backchannel quietens right down because people are absorbed by what they are hearing.

So here’s a lesson for speakers – be interesting! If you lose your audience to the backchannel, don’t blame IRC, blame your crappy presentation.

I hate not being part of a backchannel. I loathe conferences without reliable wifi because the back channel gives me a better sense of who’s around and makes me feel a bit less like I am at a lecture and more like I am hanging out in a room with cool people and that someone just happens to (hopefully) be telling me cool stuff from the stage.

At Supernova, it did mainly seem to be the small coterie of mac-wielding Brit and non-American geeks who did the majority of the chit chat, although the odd USian did stick their nose in from time to time. We also had a few people kicking about who weren’t even at the conference, or even in the same country. That’s actually been a favourite trick of mine, to hang out on the backchannel of conferences I can’t get to, even if just to make connections with the people who are there so I don’t feel like I’m missing out too much.

Throughout the conference, I acted as official IRC mole, keeping an eye out for fun things to post up on the screens during the breaks. (I’ll post all those quotes in another post.) That was kind of fun, and added a bit of an interesting dynamic to the channel, as it was well known and announced that I would be doing this. Nothing like the threat of publication to make people paranoid.

One of the drawbacks of this was that I ended up with way too many data streams. At one point I was watching four IRC channels and about ten private messages, listening to the panel, taking notes in Ecto/SubEthaEdit, wrangling a half-dozen AIM/Bonjour conversations, two Skype IM conversations as well as having to check email and put together PowerPoint slides.

That, my friends, is too much data. I can keep that up for about an hour before my brain melts, which it duly did.

But the backchannel, for me, makes the conference a much richer experience. It’s the glue that holds the sessions all together:

TomCoates: This is like the backchannel OF the backchannel

KevinMarks: it brings hallway conversations back into the room

TomCoates: this is the social room for the work

TomCoates: I think it’s mischaracterising it

KragenSitaker: we’ll probably need a better-than-IRC medium for 500 brains. subethaediti s a good example.

TomCoates: This is where we play foosball

TomCoates: I don’t know that the backchannel for this particular conference deserves to be dragged out into the light

JeffClavier: We love you Ross, even after that

TomCoates: it’s more of a Gollum-style backchannel

jjgnet: tom++

TomCoates: the SSE docs is the bit that we should be proud of as ever

KevinMarks: and also flirting with 3 people at once

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Supernova: The Backchannel Mole

Whilst I was at Supernova, I acted as a sort of official backchannel mole, monitoring IRC for amusing or insightful quotes to project on the screens during breaks.

These were my slides. Warning: They may not make sense if you weren’t there. Although, frankly, they may not make sense even if you were there.

Jonathan Schwartz: Authenticity is absolutely paramount. Hiring people to write your blog is like hiring someone to write your email.

TomCoates:The panel is awesome

TomCoates:Ev versus Mena versus Cat versus Lili versus er…

Buzzmodo:When was the last panel with 4/5 women?

TomCoates:This is interesting – you probably don’t want people to get into a state of total comfort with their representation because things will clearly go worng. You want people to be a bit self-controlling. I mean – even at home, people don’t tend to sit around naked scratching themselves. People have an internalised sense of what’s appropriate for them.

hodder:the problem with teenagers is that they have no experience and they nothing to lose

direwolff:or you’re gonna hate that you have your past stuck to you for life

debs_:i don’t agree there is more out there and there will be more so more is forgotten and forgiven

TomCoates:can I ask people in this channel, do you use your mobile phone for phonecalls


TomCoates:do you like it? I mean – basically – I’m interested in this because I have no problem with the idea of talking about stuff on my weblog, but I find people ringing me up incredibly invasive and intrusive. I never used to.

Suw:tom: that’s what skype is for, I hardly ever phone people anymore because i don’t like to interrupt them

TomCoates:so what I’m interested in is why people don’t look at things like phonecalls and ask about the horrors and invasions of that and don’t look at how these new technologies are LESS invasive, MORE easy to control, LESS privacy releasing

anildash:if a person searches for the band “chicago”, yahoo should say “before phil collins made it suck?”

Suw:TomCoates, what was interesting about the Yahoo thing? what caught your eye?

TomCoates:Well basically it was that when you added something to your search repository, it wasn’t that you searched your metadata about it, you seemed to be still searching the page. that’s interesting to me, anyway – that you can bracket off things that you find interesting and search them as a subset rather than as a layer about it.

avantgaming:”we’re not really sure what the revenue model is yet”– but we’re playing with it. That’s cool.

jjgnet:it’s actually a good fit: baseball fans have always been multi-channel and participatory. people have been going to games with radios to hear play-by-play for generations, and keeping their own boxscores for generations before that.

njt_:”so mark, has SBC considered supporting people who bring their unregulated ducks to the ballpark?”

TomCoates:loose-coupling versus long term relationships

TomCoates:a typically san franciscan dilemma

Dick Hardt: Digital Itentity is just authentication to prove you are a directory entry.

TomCoate1:The balance between what technology is good for and what people are good for is important. Often people think that improving the technology means firing people. Which I guess it could do, but the core of the enterprise is letting the computers do what they’re good at, and the people what they’re good at that may result in fewer employees (if you’re late in making the change and can’t repurpose your staff), but the ones you have left will be happier and more creative.

TomCoates:that fucking rocked. Interesting questions about the kind of organisational structures in working environments that make that kind of sensation good. that make us feel supported, and safe and comfortable and able to focus and be creative.

Dave Sifry: People would rather be strangled than be forced to put something into a taxonomy or explain why they did something.

wseltzer: we’ve gone without data privacy so long we barely notice.

KevinMarks:Odlyzko’s point is that communications services between individuals and organisations are way mroe important than media, but much harder to count as they are so small

TomCoates:so I went to an event a while back and in the event the guy queried the distinction between marketing and content saying that he put ‘content’ in scare quotes because really – all content was was good marketing, which completely freaked me out

KevinMarks:If you’re calling it ‘content’ you are halfway there

rossm:whenever i hear the word ‘content’ I reach for my gun

njt_:hey dinosaurs, go back to your tar pit and die already!

TomCoates:yeah – fuck you dinosaurs!

KragenSitaker:there’s a knitter ethic?

hodder:don’t stab your seat mate with your needle

njt_:children treat parents as damage and route around them

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