The New York Times launches a 'community API allowing users to access comments in several ways.
Category Archives: Links
links for 2008-10-30
Suw: Stephen Fry's site shows just how easy it is to bring together the conversation on Twitter, TwitPics, blog posts and podcast episodes in one easy page. There are many news outlets and businesses that could learn a thing or two from Stephen
links for 2008-10-29
After a century of continuous publication, The Christian Science Monitor will abandon its weekday print edition and appear online only, its publisher announced Tuesday. The cost-cutting measure makes The Monitor the first national newspaper to essentially give up on print.
links for 2008-10-23
Suw: Adam Tinworth covers my keynote on email at Web 2.0 Expo for his new Computer Weekly blog.
links for 2008-10-14
A lack of business knowledge is, I think, one of the greatest threats to local and regional journalists, especially in this tough economic climate.
Newspapers, already facing a grim economic forecast, are digesting another piece of bad news: the growth in online advertising they saw as their salvation has slowed to a crawl.
links for 2008-10-09
Information on how NPR and fact checking site Politifact check facts during the US presidential election.
links for 2008-10-07
When asked whether the faltering economy will mean that businesses are cutting back on this largely unproven field of social media for marketing or customer relations, Sarner said he didn't think so, and that many businesses will turn to the Web to stay in touch with consumers during a difficult financial climate.
links for 2008-10-03
Suw: Nice little app to help you track conversations between people you don't necessarily follow. Could come in handy!
links for 2008-08-08 [delicious.com]
Kevin: I wonder what the ad models are and whether this is having a positive or negative impact on television based advertising. I also wonder how the ISPs are dealing with it. Some of the UK ISPs have strained under the load of the BBC's iPlayer.
Kevin: MSNBC.com President and Publisher Charlie Tillinghast talked to Beet.TV last month about the new msnbc.com player and it's embedding capabilities.
Kevin: Ian Forrester sings the praises of Creative Commons. Let people know how they can use your work, not just that they can't.
Kevin: Telegraph political diarist leaves claiming the 24-hour, multimedia newsroom means he has no time to sift through the Parlimentary record. He's leaving to work for a blog. Oh, the irony.
links for 2008-08-05 [delicious.com]
Kevin: Rick Burnes gives an excellent review of the Faneuil Media, what worked, what didn't and most importantly what they learned. Learn constantly. Cycle constantly. What's the business?
Kevin: "Services are popping up that manage our interests for us. Here's a look at 3 neat sites to save images to and share with friends."
Kevin: Colin Mulvany, the new multimedia editor at The Spokesman-Review in Spokane, Washington, gives a list of brilliant tips for shooting video. Lots of shot ideas for new shooters.
Kevin: via Martin Stabe Spiegel Online reports that Deutsche Telekom is set to introduce an e-paper device. The 'News4Me' device is to be tested in the autumn. Just one problem: It doesn't have a news content partner yet…
Kevin: A growing subculture has a fluid morality and a disdain for pretty much everyone else online.
Kevin: The intentions of Copley Press and Advance Publications to explore the sale of two of their signature properties represents a discouraging new lack of confidence in the future of metro newspapers.
Kevin: A look at US newspapers' use of Twitter by the numbers and by recent events.