Kevin: NPR is pulling the plug on the Bryant Park Project. It was an experiment to lure young audiences to NPR, and Leonard Witt thought it was too soon to pull the plug on a promising experiment.
Kevin: National Public Radio officials are expected to tell the staff members of “Bryant Park Project” that their experimental weekday morning program is being canceled.
Category Archives: Links
links for 2008-07-12
Kevin: Rachel Happe has a very thoughtful post cautioning people not to conflate the terms “social media” and community. I think that social interaction around media or media as a social object. One of the reasons that social media hasn’t built much commu
links for 2008-07-11
Kevin: We’ve put together a 5-step plan for kickstarting your business’s social media participation.
Suw: Do women in tech suffer from stereotype threat? Telling women that a test reveals gender differences causes them to perform worse due to stress and anxiety, compared to the same test without the stereotype threat.
Kevin: Guardian News & Media (my employers) have acquired paidContent as part of its US expansion.
Suw: How do you foster the adoption of social tools in business? How do you role out software which is essentially optional to hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands of people? Find out how in my seminar on 10 Sept 08.
Suw: Email has become a bit of a problem in business – there’s too much of it, and most of it’s rubbish. But how do you get people to send fewer emails? In this seminar, I’ll take a look at how social tools can help.
links for 2008-07-10
Suw: Best rant about mobile I’ve read in ages. Kev had the misfortune to get cornered by a delusional mobile entrepreneur the other day. She should read this.
links for 2008-07-08
Suw: Fascinating piece about how tools like Xobni can help us discover our emailing habits, and how that can help us use email better.
Suw: “Occasionally my little tours of the web seem to develop a narrative thread all on their own. This is one of those days.” A post of links to follow
Suw: I do rather struggle with the visualisation of the future, and get frustrated with calendar software that only shows me a month at a time, 1st – 31st.
Suw: Has management become a dirty word? In some places, yes, I thnk it has. Should it be a dirty word? Well, frankly, that would be daft.
links for 2008-07-07
Mark Potts highlights the blog of Bob Lefsetz and says: “Trying something different, even if it seems nutty, is far preferable to stubbornly going down with the ship.”
links for 2008-07-05
Jeff Jarvis flags up that Tom Loosemore and blogging MP Tom Watson have launched a £20,000 prize to mashup previously ‘invisible’ public data. Good ideas already.
Tell us what you’d build with public information and we could help fund your idea! The lastest ideas in the UK-based public mashup contest.
Paul Bradshaw says of Showusabetterway.com: “If you think FOI requests have transformed journalism in recent years, and the battle to retain those, think about this: if we don’t make the most of this opportunity, we’ll have no excuse when the governme
Barack Obama’s campaign is considering moving his nomination acceptance speech at the Democratic Convention from the Pepsi Center to Mile High Stadium. Source: Denver Post
Roy Greenslade on Trini-Mirror cuts: “The main victim of this move will by the Daily Mirror itself, a flagship that is not only losing its flagpole but its main mast.”
links for 2008-07-03
Sweden and other Nordic countries top list of “technological readiness” from World Economic Forum. The US drops to 9th on regulatory issues. The UK dropped out of the top 10.
Alf Hermida highlights an interesting study showing that Canadian news preference. “But only 8% said they choose newspapers because they were a source of local news. And even less said it was because they like holding a physical paper.”
links for 2008-07-02
Kiyoshi Martinez looks at the local/hyperlocal market in Chicago and the precarious financial position of some newspaper companies.
links for 2008-07-01
The Wall Street Journal says that the Associated Press is beginning to fracture as the US newspaper business reels. Papers are beginning to push back on the fees the 162-year-old cooperative charges.
Suw: It is possible to drastically reduce the amount of email you receive and send, and ‘no email’ days are not it.
Kevin: So it begings in the British media market. Advertising down 12-14% in May and June. Sly Bailey of Trini-Mirror: “We can’t defy the gravity of the advertising market, or the economy.”
Kevin: Technology and politcs gone awry. What happens when you replace every instance of ‘gay’ with ‘homosexual’? FAIL. I bet the AP loves their content being used like this.