Kevin: Online Reputation Management. Good one stop for how to get content on major social media sites such as Del.icio.us, Digg, etc
Kevin: Even gung-ho newspaper executives are getting gloomy about the future. “As crazy as this once sounded, I’m now convinced one or more major American markets will lose their daily newspaper within 18 months.”
Kevin: Nick calls for “a clearer separation of responsibilities here” between content management design and user experience design. Amen.
Category Archives: Links
links for 2008-06-13
Suw: A beautifully simple idea. I shall look forward to seeing how this plays out!
Kevin: This research should be read carefully. The internet is influential not because of the medium but because of social relationships. People rely on the internet for views from other people, not from companies.
Kevin: Steve Yelvington highlights comments from Joe Kraus, dir of product dev at Google: “So, the killer apps that have really worked on the web have always been about connecting people to one another.”
Kevin: Great map from NYTimes.com. Gas prices are high throughout the country, but how hard they hit individual families depends on income levels, which vary widely.
links for 2008-06-12
Suw: Kevin Marks says, somewhat wonderfully, “If you behave like a disease, people develop an immune system” then goes on to give us some better ways to think about propagating memes.
Kevin: Umair Haque says that Obama toppled Hillary because: “in a hyperconnected world, instead of hoarding a critical resource, more value can be created by sharing it at the edges.”
Kevin: Stunning example of alternate ways of telling stories from the Des Moines Register of tornado that wiped out the southern third of Parkersburg, Iowa. Great package although I might lose the splash screen.
links for 2008-05-24
Kevin: From Martin Stabe: This slideshow showcases dozens of newspaper and journalism websites that use Drupal, the open source social publishing software.
links for 2008-05-22
Kevin: Where do videos go when they die or are booted off YouTube for copyright infringement? Meet YouTomb. Created by a group of MIT students
Kevin: Innovators and entrepreneurs fail forward, and the founder of Meetro, a location-aware IM platform, has shared his lessons on TechCrunch. Success isn’t the only teacher.
Kevin: A reminder that early adopters (like me) aren’t necessarily the best indicator for mass adoption. “Are we solving problem for users or Robert Scoble?”
Kevin: A good write up on identity, privacy and Dopplr, a social network based on travel built by friends of ours. Dopplr treats your data as your data, not just theirs.
links for 2008-05-21
Kevin: Examples of how the popular service’s community puts it to use. It’s an interesting/humourous list of Twitter messages.
Kevin: The US military appears to be opening up to blogging after trying to restrict US service members’ blogging activity. “The subtext here is that perhaps the military can gain more flies with honey than vinegar.”
Kevin: Last week in Princeton I talked about the use of APIs, and this shows the explosive growth of API use from Amazon web services. I do see the drop in ‘revenue per gigabit’. Wonder what accounting will think of that.
links for 2008-05-13
Kevin: An exploration of what what the terms mean. It looks beyond the technology and tries to identify key trends.
links for 2008-05-12
Kevin: I found out about the earthquake on Digg, but it was the buzz on Twitter as well. Paul Bradshaw collects some of the journalism via Twitter.
Kevin: From the blog of the Frontline Club, a club for journalists in London, asking whether the debate over the journalistic use of Twitter is over. It’s incredibly useful especially with additional tools for visualisation and search.
Kevin: A great collection of ways to visualise Twitter interactions. Twitter and other social applications have huge amounts of data that can be useful for journalism.
links for 2008-05-10
Kevin: From Adrian Monck: Jon Stewart’s show is just like the mainstream media, only more entertaining. It may not fit Modern Journalism’s definition of news, which requires a serious, authoritative, quasi-scolding style, but who gave them the right to de
Kevin: A round up on tips for dealing with information and inbox overload.
links for 2008-05-09
Kevin: Lifehacker has some tips, well, actually tools to help manage your blogging. As always, a one stop shop of good blogging tools from LH.
Kevin: I always chalked up my preference for objective reporting as an American thing, but it’s great to hear my colleague Roy Greenslade make the case for ‘just the facts’.
Kevin: A look back at the look ahead for what is going to happen on the web in 2008. ReadWriteWeb looks at important trends.
Kevin: Twitter hasn’t broken into the mainstream despite a core group of users. Todd Zeigler has created a post to help people explain it to friends and colleagues who might not initially see the utility of Twitter. Twitter’s simplicity and flexibility ma
Kevin: Via Shawn Smith. Barack Obama is building a get out the vote, voter registration system that could mobilise 1m volunteers. Online-offline, social media driven general election crowdsourced juggernaut.
Kevin: From Kaiser Kuo with Ogilvy Digital China. This is a great list of Twitter apps. It is staggering the number of applications build around Twitter.