Kevin: Roy Greenslade at the Guardian (my day job) comments on a new book “The difference between journalism and churnalism” by Nick Davies. Read the comments.
Category Archives: Links
links for 2008-01-30
Kevin: Via Cyberjournalist. I recently was asked what technical skills journalists need. Here’s a tag map based on JournalismJobs.com. Good start.
links for 2008-01-27
Suw: I could just kiss Charles Arthur for this piece. Sadly, much of the music industry remains welded to the past, and shows no indication that they are even capable of change. Oh well, the world will just change without them.
Kevin: The 5 basic rules that will make your writing effective, based on an essay by George Orwell.
links for 2008-01-23
Suw: Is Facebook in contravention of European privacy laws?
Kevin: Review of Yahoo restructuring with some solid, substantive suggestions on how Yahoo can take advantage of its audience. Focus on their verticals.
Kevin: Umair Haque says Yahoo’s ‘DNA’ is the problem and points a finger to former CEO Terry Semel. Mistook “deal-making for strategy”. Get back to innovation.
links for 2008-01-18
Suw: Ok, a little bit of self-promotion. The application pack for ORG’s Creative Business seminars, examining how open IP can become the core of innovative business models, (17/18/19 March) is now up online. Limited places, so apply now!
links for 2008-01-03
Suw: Another author in the fight to combat obscurity!
Suw: Are URLs better than email addresses for identifying people? I can see why developers focus on email addresses – they want to both be able to hassle you and make sure your address works. But maybe URLs would also work?
links for 2007-12-31
Kevin: Cynthia O’Murchu, a multimedia journalist at FT.com, talks about their process in creating web specials. Not a lot that I agree with here, but I’m stumbling over language and some poor writing. I agree that iteration is important. That’s about it
links for 2007-12-28
Kevin: Martin Stabe looks at which is more environmentally friendly: Print or online. He’s done his homework and online isn’t as green as I thought. It’s all down to electricity both in powering the internet and computers as well as paper production.
Kevin: Craig McGill asks the question and comes up with more questions than answers. “Is it the person who adds the audio, video and online elements? … Or should all of that be the work of the reporter and there shouldn’t be an online tag?” I think th
Kevin: Bryan at the Innovation in College Media blog answers Craig McGill’s question. “I don’t see an “online journalist” as a set of duties or skills. Maybe I’m naive. I see the online journalist as the journalist who knows the rewards and pitfal
Kevin: Via Martin Stabe. As Martin says: “A important case with major implications for US journalists sued under English libel law is working its way through the US courts.” British libel law undermining the First Amendment.
Kevin: It’s year in review time, but Team MediaShift has a good list of inflection points from the past year. iPhone; YouTube gets sued; Facebook; Burma covers itself; etc I’d also say that the media rushing into social spaces after the Virginia Tech shoo
links for 2007-12-22
Kevin: Great piece profiling the breaking news team at SignOnSanDiego.com, the website of the San Diego Union-Tribune. They talk about workflow and also how they use their blogs to ‘ferret out questions to pursue in follow-up stories.’ Inspiring.
Kevin: Michael Grant of The Moderate Voice talks about the San Diego Union-Tribune’s breaking news team. I love the phrase of doing journalism at 150mph. Before the internet, newspaper journalists printed once. “It was reasonable that newspaper guys would
Suw: Good analysis of the whole copyright DMCA fracas between Lane Hartwell and The Richter Scales.
links for 2007-12-20
Kevin: An interesting location-based mobile service. It’s also a clever use of RSS and mashups. It shows what can be done with a minimum of technlogy and a good dose of creativity.
Kevin: Scott Karp explores how blogs can and should be used for journalism. He chides traditional journalism organisations for getting stuck in an “bloggers vs journalists” rut. And how. This is just another post showing that a hybrid, ‘and not or’ strate
Kevin: Mark Glaser looks at journalists and bloggers who have launched start-ups and finds a poor track record. Many journalists avoid getting involved with the business side of journalism, leaving them ill-equipped to run startups.