Welcoming Kevin Anderson to Strange Attractor

You might have noticed that Strange Attractor has been a wee bit quiet over the last few months. There’s one simple reason for this – I’ve been living in the petri dish instead of looking through the microscope at it. A few months ago I had a call from fellow Corante contributor Ross Mayfield asking me to work with Socialtext to help increase understanding and adoption of wikis at one of their clients, Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein, an investment bank in London.

How could I say no? For the last couple of years, I’ve been looking at the use of social software in business from the outside, or from brief forays into the business environment, extrapolating and working from first principals. Having the opportunity to put all that to the test, to spend a good solid amount of time on site, working directly alongside the business users and IT department was just too good to pass up.

And then of course I helped co-found the Open Rights Group, a digital rights campaigning organisation based in London. With luminaries such as Cory Doctorow on our Advisory Council, it’s another great opportunity for me to work on issues that are close to my heart, such as digital privacy and access to knowledge.

So my working week has been a bit full, to say the least.

But I felt somewhat reluctant to give up Strange Attractor. I’m fond of the ol’ blog, even though there are probably only about three people who still have it in their aggregator.

What to do? What to do?

The answer came to me as I was talking to my partner Kevin Anderson one day. Kevin’s one of the people working at the BBC on blogging strategy, as well as being a producer on the World Service’s radio programme World Have Your Say, a show best described as ‘it’s like blogging, but on the radio’. He also does a podcast with Ben Metcalfe and Paul Sissons called Talking Shop. So we’re talking about blogging, and journalism, and how the two can peacefully co-exist and it strikes me that Kevin has a lot to say, but nowhere to say it. I, on the other hand, have somewhere to say stuff but not enough time to say it.

I see a neat little solution to both our problems here.

Thus I would like to welcome Kevin Anderson to Strange Attractor. Kev will be talking about the intersections between mainstream media, citizen journalism, blogging, and anything else that strikes his fancy. I’m going to carry on blogging about blogging, and whatever else I feel like. Sometimes our threads might overlap, but between us, hopefully, we’ll manage to update Strange Attractor more than once a month.

Ewan Spence’s Edinburgh Fringe Podcast nominated for a BAFTA

Ewan Spence, occasional co-host of the Movie Show with me and Cameron Reilly, has been nominated for a Scottish BAFTA for his podcast of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

Now, let’s just get this clear. A podcast has been nominated for a BAFTA. A BAFTA. Y’know, the award with the golden mask statuette? The sort of award that Ewan McGregor gets. A BAFTA, ffs.

As far as I am aware, this is the first podcast, ever, to be nominated for a serious and well respected industry award.

Huge congratulations to Ewan (Spence, that is, not McGregor. I’d be a year late for him). I know how much work he put into the Edinburgh Fringe Festival podcast, and this nomination is well, well deserved.

The Media Battle: Why is it Google vs. The Rest Of The World?

Bear Storm Media and London South Bank University

(Bear Storm Media is a spin-off company from the London South Bank University.)


So a friend of mine told me about this mini-conference, and when I looked at the wiki I saw a bunch of names I didn’t recognise, which seemed like a good reason to go along and see what was going on. These are my notes, raw and unedited. Make of them what you will. A small origami giraffe, for example.

Greg Tallent

The way we access content is different. More digital content now, so because there’s more the customer is paying less attention to the content, advertising, anything we’re giving them.

Vin Crosbie, NY journo, said he pays more for his digital media than print, because the online versions are worth more and are more useful – archives, email-able etc. Print is not very easy to repurpose.

News and most other media content will be delivered either exclusively on the internet or as well as on the internet. Digital channels will proliferate, communities will develop, and the content (free or paid) will drive them.

Moving from an information world to an attention world: too much info; too little time; not enough attention.

NBC Universal CEO Bob Wright, says that network news will always have a place because people can’t be bothered to wade through online content.

At the moment

– too much digital content

– little customer attention

But is this changing?

Digital media will get and keep the customer’s attention. How? By making it relevant to the person. This is a big issue. People won’t buy content unless it is relevant.

– make it personal

– make it worthwhile

– make it valuable

In other words – talk to people

– look at the customer

– learn from customers in real time

– communities work best with market dynamic

– treat customers as people

– quality of individual experience is what matters

– delight the user

– interact and engage – has to be relevant and at the right time

– build trust

– chart interactions with the product.

Any media biz in 2006, who want to integrate quality content into a digital channel will ahve to consider

– communities, vast thin networks of members

doughnut communities that are temp and come together round a site

– combine human/algorithm filtering to make it simple to follow who’s saying what

– tags

– metadata (ensures that content can be used again and again)

All this becomes relevant to the reader.

Who’s building relevancy now?

– Microsoft

– Google

– Yahoo


… and a bunch of others

How big is this?

Well, Google’s selling $6.1 billion ads, double what is sold last year. Have grand ambitions. Microsoft fighting back. Looking to build a seamless experience, capture some of the advertising revenue etc. But Microsoft look dated – the slide from the Microsoft Live Platform presentation that Bill Gates gave looks really dated. Compare to Steve Jobs presenting the iPod Video. Microsoft lost the plot a bit in the past two or three years.

[The shows Epic 2014, the Googlezon animation.]

There’s some truth to Epic, it’s not all sensationalism. People are working on changing the way we produce and consume media. It will be sooner rather than later that we use these new ways.

Leave you now with a brief mention of something planned for next year – this is just a mini-conference, and we’re planning a bigger one – News Media UK Convention, in March 2006. See Bearstorm for news of that.

Mike Butcher, Paidcontent.org – The Holy Trinity, or The Future Of News Media

Haven’t watched Epic for a while, and a copule of things occured to me. The idea that millions of people edit stuff and it turns into trash TV, and one thing that popped into my head was Paris Hilton – her mobile phone address book was leaked onto the internet earlier in the year, and of course it was blogged everywhere, because it’s just so fascinating. And that’s just trash. But everyone’s interested in it. And that’s what Epic is about – that a lot of rubbish gets put out there.

But the Googlezon idea of the video does kind of work. But it said NY Times became just a print magazine circulated to the elite and the elderly, but if the elite and the elderly can’t be reached by new media, how do we take part in their conversation?

Blackberry is used across Yahoo so people can get their email at any time. But the really powerful people at Yahoo don’t have Blackberries, so are unreachable. And the elite are more unreachable by new media than we think.

Trinity No. 1

– You and me

– blogs, podcasting, user generated content

Rupert Murdoch, not Trinity No. 1, but he said that newspapers were threatened by the net, that people wanted control over the media not to be controlled by it, and that the newspaper industry has been complacent.

Citizen media is really a tools revolution. There is a lot of stuff out there that makes life easier. Stats go out of date really time, so these are too, from 2004

8 Million American adults say they have created blogs

58% read blogs

12% of users post comments on blogs

[Yes, these stats are out of date!]

Most internet users do not know what a blog is.

RAJAR – no figures yet for podcasting but Pew says

6 million have downloaded at least one podcast

29% of 2021 users interviewed used podcasting

11 – 15% of US population owns an MP3 player

In the UK:

BBC In our time – 40k downloads a week

BBC Beethoven – started as 600k a week, ended up a million downloads

Virgin breakfast show podcast just links between songs, run at 80k downloads a week (3 months ago)

Perhaps this is why Murdoch is worried, and maybe that’s why he bought MySpace.com for $800m.

Thing is:

– early days

– emerging trend

Only a 20% of 18-34 year ols rank newspapers as their primary source of news

44% check out Google and Yahoo for updated information

Definite move away from old media.


100% mobile phone penetration in W Europe by 2007

At least one mobile handset for every person – means ability to create content, photos, text etc.

Widespread internet access, broadband penetration etc, allows for proliferation of content

Where’s the money?

Advertising agencies interested in blogs because they are created by you; also want to track conversations in blogs; want to buy advertising on blogs.

Dyson was the first to use blogs in a major ad campaign, on Shiny Media.

‘Truth tools’ are out there – MSN opens blogs and IM to advertisers; Yahoo bought Flickr; Microsoft trials RSS Collector; London bombs: moblogging.co.uk ran one of the first pictures, which was syndicated to Sky news.

Because of this tools revolution, the big guys want to get involved. Yahoo! in particular are so interested in this because they want you to create content so they can sell ads for it.

Means of distribution are in the hands of the workers – RSS, Technorati, Feedster, Google/Google News.

Publishing passion – Andrew Sullivan’s Tip Jar; Treonauts; Weblogs Inc (sold to AOL, $25m); Gawker-branded blogs; Shiny Media; Google AdSense.

But: bloggers are not necessarily the ‘new journalists’. Marqui recently launched an adverblogging campaign, paying 20 bloggers $800 a month to mention their product and link to their site.

Why are the media interested?

– TV’s dominant share on verge of long-term decline; ad-skipping

– ZenithOptimedia predicts market share will decline from 2007.

Trinity 2


Big media hiring bloggers; launching blogs.

Can’t just go out and launch a blog because they’re creating their own.

Final trinity

Search. 80% of lineusers start at a search engine. Very influential, are the leveller between gib and small media.

Search, big media and user generated content forms a holy trinity of online media that feed into each other adn rely on each other.


News media has to be more transparent.

Big media will co-opt citizen media

Big media’s not dead, it’s just resting

Difference between fast and slow media, raw and cooked, un-edited and edited

But blogs could be as big as Time.

Al Tepper, head of Online Dev’t, Caspian Publishing – Professional blogging

Word blog is misleading – blogging is software, it’s actually a website. The word blog is probably the biggest reason that blogging is not mainstream. People visit blogs and don’t know it.

Why is it Google vs. ROW, is because seeing a devolution of information, tools, opps, and anyone can broadcast anything on the web for virtually nothing in under 10 mins. Ish. Because there are bad bloggers. 99% of blogs are dross, and the whole Epic movie gets that point across. But we already do. But blogging gives everyone the opportunity to be heard.

Caspian is a B2B publisher. In a world of info overload, editors are really important. Great quote by Frank Zappa: A computer can tell you a story, but it can’t tell you the whole story. It just doesn’t have the eyebrows.

There is no AI that will be able to edit 500k words into a 200 word article. Impossible for a computer to do. Semantic web will be very slow to develop and not convinced it will be able to deliver relevant content.

Caspian launched a blog: www.thebusinesseditors.com. have 20+ editors, and they are all experts, and they all talk amongst themselves about what they’re doing.

Hypergene.net/blog have a recommended reading section and call it ‘usable exhaust’. Use Del.icio.us to put websites they come across into their blog, but it gets them lots of traffic.

Caspian’s ‘usable exhaust’ is their blog, where their editors blog the stuff they can’t put in magazines. Value is that it’s great content, good for search engines. Learnt that they need to provide good navigation between different sites. Didn’t learn quickly enough about editorial policy – getting offline editors to blog is difficult because they don’t know HTML, even using Typepad, and on OS9 the formatting doesn’t work so have to get people to mark-up. Learnt about comments process and libel issues, so has to be approved before publication.

Key stuff to understand is the value of it – good marketing tool. May monetize it down the line, but no great vision of that at all. Starts a conversation with the readers. Can be a part of the conversation or a subject of that conversation.

Andy Corcoran, Marketing Lecturer, Lincoln Business School – What’s the business model?

Current situation. Relevant content is there, but people don’t know how to get to it. Anyone can publish, and you could be the next Nick Denton, but the barriers to entry to that marketplace are very low. Highly competitive marketplace.

Media fragmentation. Mass media in decline, ‘other’ media on the rise. 249 channels on sky, not counting the +1 channels. Multiple media vehicles. Most content presented in really bad way. Sky TV guide is awful – laborious and difficult to do. Similar to new media – convenience, ease and accessibility are key factors.

Media is producing more places to get the same content.

Cash rich, time poor.

Individual households – people spend more time online to find community because they are living on their own.

Digi-phobic – 33% of the population don’t see the need or can’t afford to get online.

Increasing advertising spend on the internet


Stable TV viewing – 209 minutes per day in UK, 275 per day in the US; more media, more media consumption, so not dying just fragmenting

Stable newspaper market, (paid for media, not free), decline has arrested because newspapers easier to read now (smaller!)

Online everywhere, wireless. Will see people online in Starbucks, but also will be reading the Times. Easier.

Someone makes life easier by choosing stuff for us.

Growing no. of bloggers. Even a blog about brass rubbings in Madagascar. Riches in niches. Shift in the marketing paradigm.

Life is complex, with networked relationships

Danger of analysis paralysis – too much information so people can’t make decisions. People buy on emotion and the ability to communicate that emotion is crucial

Orgs need to deliver one of the following to succeed

– operational excellence

– product leadership

– customer intimacy

Moving away from 4Ps towards relationship marketing

Mass customisation not mass production (not bespoke, that’s too expensive)

30 sec commercial not dead

Product placement more attractive

Magazines more convenient, people are reading more magazines

Era of ‘must’ – must see, must hear, must watch, must read

Move to pictures – which is why we still watch TV. Visuals, logos, etc. More whitespace = perception of value and quality.

Google will be competing with Murdoch, Sky, etc.

Business Models

1. Drudge report style: get big and sell; but you won’t be the only one trying to do that. Producing a lot of stuff is hard work.

2. Riches in niches

3. Connecting and communities

– Drudge report

Lots of money in press classified advertising – 19.5% of the advertising spend in the UK.

Difficult for blogs to break in, but it’s going to have to be good, and you’re going to have to get people to visit.

Is it possible to become a big publisher? Yes, but difficult.

Hugely competitive market. Newspapers giving away DVDs, and are not going to lie down and die.

– Riches in niches: Treonaut. Sugar icing blogs. Got too be unique. Got to provide something useful. Lifesytle and psychographic profiling is done. RSS enables.

– connecting and communities. Net provides this as biggest opportunities for companies and business, not about space or advertising but finding out what people think about your products. relationship marketing. Dialogues with customers. Focus groups. Research. Brand communities. Tools like Flickr allow people to connect despite geography, and if companies can capitalise on that they can benefit. But must be congruent with your product.

Most likely business models are 2 and 3.

New business blogging survey

BlogOn and iUpload are doing a survey of business bloggers to find out more about how companies are using blogs. Preliminary results will be announced at BlogOn2005 Social Media Summit, 17-18 October at the Copacabana in New York.

As producer of BlogOn, and a chronic stats obsessive, I can only urge you to fill in the questionnaire – it’s fairly short, shouldn’t take you more than about three minutes – so that I have lots of data to play with. Word is we’ve already had a good number of respondents, which makes me deeply excited because I am just dying to find out what people really do with their business blogs.

Nothing more than pollution

Blog astroturfing*. Someone please go and kneecap these people. I don’t know how much of this is bullshit, how much of it is real, and I really don’t care, because in either case this is just horrible, nasty pollution. I loathe astroturfers as much as I loathe word of mouth advertisers. It’s all just social spam and should be treated as such.

Finally, we have been receiving a lot of emails asking us why we are giving away seemingly-sensitive information. I can assure you that we are not jeopardizing our investment. Any discerning reader should know not to trust all of the information provided by admitted-astroturfers. I can tell you that a few of the blogs expressing outrage over the emergence of our enterprise are not written by who you think they are. I can also tell you that some of the posts made to this site will be provided by members of our blogforce. Have a good weekend.

Smug fuckers.

* Astroturfing: In American politics and advertising, the term astroturfing pejoratively describes formal public relations projects which deliberately seek to engineer the impression of spontaneous, grassroots behavior. The goal is the appearance of independent public reaction to a politician, political group, product, service, event, etc., by centrally orchestrating the behavior of many diverse and geographically distributed individuals.

Our Social World

(Oops… should have posted this last week but, um, have been a bit busy.)

Finally made it up to Cambridge to Our Social World, having forced Tom Coates and Ross Mayfield to catch a slightly later train so that I could spent an extra hour on the floor of Tom’s lounge, tossing and turning and having nightmares about trying to give a talk to six people, with a tea lady trying to lay out scones and cakes on the podium whilst elbowing me in the face.

Notes will be sporadic. I’m sure others will take better. (I’m actually trying to kill my reputation for being a great note taker, so expect rubbish.)

Ben Hammersley – 300 Year History of Blogging
The BlogFather – Sir Richard Steele, 1672 – 1729. Starting blogging in 1708. Political and social situations then was similar to now – arguments about Europe, worries about the growth of Islam, social revolution is in the air.

Using new technologies of printing presses and street urchines, he started the Tatler, April 12 1709. Posted three times a week, 800 readers, comments, lots of coffee.

Social revolution of courtly society to enlightenment society, more publishing and science based. Enlightenment based on a few core concepts – science and technology; manner. The idea of manners was invented by blogging. Steele’s sort of blogging. Fashion was to wear very similar clothes, and meeting together for the first time without class boundaries in coffee shops, so no social boundaries.

Re-define social norms of behaviour via the Tatler – Steele was writing about how to behave, how to write interact and deal with each other.

The Spectator was the first group blog, daily, 6 days a week. More influential than any other publication at the time. Advice on how to behave in town.

Amateurs, drinking lots of coffee, and writing short pieces and you have social revolution.

Technology isn’t important, it’s the social side of things. Agit-prop. Blogging is pamphleteering extreme – we’re now able to convey our ideas across to everyone on the planet.

Differences between blogging and Steele?

– Much bigger sphere of influence now – about 2.5 billion people have access to the internet. With paper, you can only read it if you have the piece of paper.

– Interconnectedness. Paper can’t lead you to other sources, but can only tell you other sources exist. On the web, links take you straight to the other sources.

– Findability. Paper’s hard to search. Scholarship was less to do with your ability to research and more to do with having access to the library – you had to be a member of a university because it was the only place with the books. Now the internet, everybody has access to everything, but also everybody can search through everything. And the most important thing is timeliness.

Writing a book, it takes a year from when he finished writing to when it’s published, so it’s basically out of date by the time that it’s published. A blog post is published immediately and becomes available to everyone.

Fundamental changes in information flow. Fundamental change in the way that mankind communicates. Just by publishing thoughts and allowing people to comment and link to them, you can have communities grow up, connections, interactivity, commerce, development of ideas. The limitations are falling way, we now have technology that makes it free, and in both beer and speech, to express your ideas to as many people who want to listen.

We have new concepts of reputation, of groups, of friendships, of how we can work together.

This might seem a bit overblown, except that it’s true. What we’re looking at today is a social revolution akin to nothing we’ve ever seen before. The freedom of the press is free to those who have the money to buy a press, and now everyone has a press.

EM Forster said ‘Only connect’. Connecting is more powerful that you can possibly imagine. You may now see it only as a marketing too, but hopefully by the end of the day you’ll see that this is not going to not only change your life but the lives of your children.

Simon Phipps, Sun
Set up blogs.sun.com. Blogging is not about technology, but about social interaction.

I believe that we are right on the edge of a shift from consumerism to participative life, because connectivity has got into the soul of society.

In 1994, travel was very disconnected, but ten years later, no longer need travellers cheques cos have a credit card; don’t need airline tickets; don’t need a line of credit for hotels; use email, don’t need to be psychic to send news by post in advance. Society has got connected – connectivity is assumed and unnoticed, and we’re now seeing second and third order effects.

It’s no longer cool to be online, it’s expected to be online. Lots of things are happening now because we’re all connected.

Sun blogs set up, happened by word of mouth. Jonathan Schwartz writes once a week or so, his biggest problem is being concise.

Leaving stuff to PR professionals is a nightmare. But on Open Solaris (?), much better relationship because it’s non-PR.

Not so much about no. of readers, but quality. Famous for 15 people.

In starting blogs.sun.com – had to reverse a company policy which had stated that if you spoke in public about your work you could get fired. Had to change it. Need a blogging policy. Make sure people are allowed to tell the truth.

Tom Coates
Started first blog 6 years ago, when there were about 200. Things have changed a bit since then, but Britain is still way behind the curve on this one. The States are huge, the French are doing well. Here there is still a reservation around it.

Policy being drafted at the BBC that says blogs are a public conversation and that people should have that conversation so long as they don’t say anything too stupid.

Social internet was the first stage of the internet – IRC, emails, usenet, mailing-lists, messageboards, MUDs/MOOs/games. It’s not a change, now, to a participatory internet – it’s always been there.

The web then came along and transformed the net into something more publishy. So Usenet was eradicated by AOL user. Got away from social behaviours.

What started to shift it back was weblogging and Amazon. Enormously distributed platform for social debate.

Friendster. You can engage with people you know online, and get to know others. Spread like a plague across the world and really re-ignited the social aspects of the web. Where we’re at:

– social networks with a point
– collaborative annotation of stuff
– collaborative creation of stuff
– new ways of sharing experiences
– new ways of harnessing individual creativity
– new ways of harnessing play

Then goes through Flickr, Upcoming, Wikipedia, Last.fm/Audioscrobbler, Technorati, microformats.

Demos BBC Radio 6 Music’s PhoneTags – bookmarks songs, tag them, rate them, find songs with specific tags e.g. songs about summer, find the best rated songs. Is about music bookmarking. BBC then gets related metadata about songs, so good for them too.

Also working on allowing the Radio4 audio to be annotatable – can add tags, metadata, or maybe treat it as a wiki. BBC has need for metadata, and people like to add metadata and also derive value from metadata, and they are hoping to work with people in an honourable way to do something more than can be done individually.

Johnnie Moore
Hard to do notes for this – Johnnie never really gives talks. Started off asking for a volunteers, it took a while for someone to stand up. Johnnie then drew a face with them, each drawing one part of it, and named it writing a letter each. Then got people to draw a face in pairs too.

Everyone drew a human face. Most of the names were English. People felt a bit uncomfortable doing something that had an unknown consequences and outcomes – terror of the unknown [or looking like a prat?]

Johnnie gets this reaction when talking about technology to people in business. People feel fear, and that’s a natural reaction so maybe a good idea not to be too judgemental.

Discusses a blog that he set up with some other bloggers about Sainsbury’s. Just set it up out of a sense of play, and it’s developed organically. Now Sainsbury’s are interacting on the blog, and it’s taken on it’s own life.

This is down to the fundamental human need to communicate.

Lee Bryant, Headshift
Tags are about negotiating social meaning. In order to communicate you need:
– shared situation
– shared perception
– shared cognition
– shared language

Semiotic dynamics. Ok… lost me now…

How do terms develop? Why do they develop?

Hegemonic discourse. (Small pig with spikes?)

Enterprise social software. (Sorry, I sorta faded out during this.)

Loic le Meur
Six Apart – 8 million users worldwide. 100 employees worldwide.

Long tail – brief explanation. Media blogs – Le Monde, Business Week etc.

Perseus stats: 30 million blogs in may 2005, 50 million expected by the end of 2005.

Technorati stats: Blog created every second. Blogosphere doubles in size every 5 months. Blogs vs. MSM slide.

Media are starting to get it. In France, Skyblog have 3 million blogs. vnunet. 01net.

Double F Radio Blogs, radio station, blogs. Podcasts, drag and drop to iTunes.

MonPeteaux.com – popular blogger, videoblogs. Vocal critic of Paris (?). Can sub to video in iTunes now too.

Le Monde – give a blog to every journalist, and provide blogs to their readers. They do top 10 blogs of journals and bloggers so can compared.

Lafraise.com – sell t-shirts online but have never advertised. Customers design the products, vote on them, then he makes the ones that are popular.

Loreal. Someone decides to launch a brand blog, and did it all wrong. Invented a fake character, put a picture of this fake person on the blog, the text was written by a pro and weren’t authentic, comments were filtered so no negative comments went up, took an hour from going up before someone flamed it and it went round the blogosphere like mad. 48 hours later, cover page of Le Monde. Big crisis.

Dealt with it by apologising. Sort of new. Posted their pictures. Asked bloggers to tell them what to do and got a lot of help. Bloggers said they want customers talking, real comments, and so that’s what they did.

Has wikipage about Euroblogosphere. Source: best guess of bloggers.

Dec 5th/6th, Les Blog 2.0, Paris.

Euan Semple, The Beeb
Missed the beginning of this. BBC blogs – Richard Sambrook’s blog, using blogs with aggregators so as soon as Richard says something it appears in people’s aggregators.

But still a ‘who do you think you are, and why are you saying what you’re saying’ attitude. So people use them as link blogs, to point as other things.

Wikis encourage people to be as open as possible, to collaborate. Wiki’s grown faster than other tools – 1000+ users. Not just a regular text editor – have to learn wiki markup, but people have taken to it because they were fed up of sharing Word docs.

E.g. staff were frustrated at not being able to take part in a BBC photography competition, so ended up using a wiki and Flickr to organise their own. 300 photos submitted. Very dispersed thing, happened very quickly.

Social software tools have been introduced over the last 3 years. Bulletin boards are noisy, quick, intuitive, viral. The blogs are more about personal space. Wikis are being used for more formal communications.

All tools have RSS, so want to get in a desktop RSS aggregator.

It’s beginning to democratise the organisation.

Believes it will become more prevalent in more organisations. Kids who are used to using social software personally will start to come into the workspace and expect this sort of tool. And if they don’t see it, they will work for someone else.

Euan didn’t want to ‘own’ it, different way of managing it, managing status.

No idea what I said or whether it was any good. You’ll have to ask other people for that. The slides are online though. Pretty, aren’t they?

Julian Bond
A nice bit of English cynicism.

Gives rapid-fire demo of usual business comms – veeeeery much impossible to follow. Culture of powerpoint, email and chocolate biscuits. Used to use memos, but the culture hasn’t changed.

People in senior management are very nervous about going into print. Hard to persuade them that communication is a good idea.

Places where blogs are going to be most successful is whre they come in bottom-up communication, rather than where they are top-down broadcast.

The Geek Imperative – tell everybody everything you know in excruciating detail.

Doing biz with the FTSE1000. They can’t do stuff on their own, so they ask you do to it, but because the software is free they expect it to be veeeeeery cheap.

– sell to consultancy to FTSE
– sell solutions to the S of SMEs

Simon Gryce
Identity – in the last hundred years, identity was letters of introduction, passports, driving licences, library cards, usernames/passwords, form filling, silos in data, in-efficient CRM, business cards, privacy policies.

Next 1000 years – personal digital identity.

What changed? Why now?
– tipping point
– possible
– efficiencies

Data currently resides with individual orgs and businesses, and is silo’d.

What’s driving it?
– internet services
– always on culture
– mobile devices
– personal directories
– personal privacy

Our personal identity should be managed by us. Ability to be anonymous should be cvontroled by us.

Can find out where someone is (currently, with their permission). Need society where individuals are in control.

Legal requirements. Getting harder and harder for companies to retain personal data.

Personal Digital Identity Summit
17-18 Nov. www.pdid.org or email summit@pdid.org

Data Protection law in Europe, stronger than in the States, you have the right to ask for all the data about you. Went to Vodaphone and asked them what mobile data they have about them. The pile of paper you get is huge – including physical coordinates for hte last six months.

Max Neiderhofer
(Oops, missed the beginning, due to too much good conversation. Again.)

The majority of bloggers are 18 – 24 (ish), and they make up the majority of bloggers. Not the experts.

They are young, and there are more of them. Relatively technologically savvy. Internet is part of their lives.

Blogging is like games. but MPOORG not Noughts and Crosses. Games come to an end though, blogging doesn’t. Blogging is one of the best games, but it’s not a game it’s play. Lots of variations, never solved.

Point of blogging is positive human interaction. Getting confirmation for the things you’re doing, getting love from other people.

Rules in blogging – rules are important because if you don’t deal with people on their terms they wont’ come to you. If you bullshit a blogger you will suffer for it.

And example of someone who’s getting it right is Stormhoek – giving away wine, no strings attached. You blog, or you don’t blog, but they give away the wine anyways.

Ross Mayfield, Socialtext
Been working with social software for the last three years. Going to talk about the way that social software is used in enterprise.

LA Times wiki debacle. Decided to take an editorial, slap it in a wiki and then let the world have at it. Within 24 hours the side was shut down, because the internet ‘had at it’. Did the wiki all wrong.

Have been talking more about blogs than wiki – wikis are more group voice, blogs are individual voice. French like blogs, Germans don’t like blogs but like wikis. So the Germans talk and come to consensus before they post anything.

So cultures are different. People use tools in different ways.

We’re all talking about social software. People doing something for social rewards, not finanicial. User generated content is a sucky term. Control is shared. Wikis’ are about shared control. But all our other software is about the opposite.

Email – organisational spam, push network, point to point. Wiki is hub and spoke, can be a bit smarter, RSS etc, pull model.

Best features of RSS is the unsubscribe button.

[Sorry for the crap notes this afternoon. I really ran out of steam.]

The curse that is management speak

Great article by Simon Caulkin in Sunday’s Observer about how ‘management-speak’ leeches the meaning out of business communications. The sort of language Caulkin discusses is exactly the sort of language that I loathe, and which blogging in general abhors.

[M]anagement’s parallel universe is supported by a comprehensive literature in which imaginary concepts and attributes are earnestly described and referenced, as if they really existed. ‘Passion’ and ‘delight’ are such parallel concepts. So is ‘excellence’ (well to the fore on the Gate Gourmet website).

Worse than management-speak is marketing-speak, which is even further divorced from reality. When businesses use words that are fundamentally at odds with the every day experience that we have of them, when they talk themselves up to the point of risibility, that’s when people just turn off, put them in the ‘deluded wankers’ category and move on to much more down to earth sources of information, such as blogs.

When will managers and marketers realise that we know they’re talking shite? The only people fooled by management-/marketing-speak are the manager and marketers.

Technorati blogtags

Technorati have launched a service so that you can search for blogs on a specific topic using blog-level tags (initially scraped from your categories). I’ve been wanting this for ages, so that I can at last go and find ‘blogs about copyright‘ rather than ‘posts about copyright‘ or ‘posts that happen to mention the word copyright, probably at the bottom of the page instead of using a ©‘.

Go, claim your blog and add in your blogtags.

Fallow period

All blogs go through phases – it’s part of the blogging lifecycle. Right now, as you may have noticed, Strange is a in a bit of a fallow period as I try to get on top of all the work that’s come my way recently. Don’t fret, you’ve not been abandoned, but don’t be surprised if blogging here is a little light over the next few weeks.