Streaming mp3s

Thanks to Jascha, I can now give you the LSE debate as a stream, rather than just a download. It’s amazingly easy to achieve this:

1. Copy the full URI to the mp3 file, e.g. (ensure there are no spaces in the URI as that seems to stuff things up)
2. Paste the URI into a text document
3. Save the text document as an_audio_file.mp3.m3u
4. Upload the .m3u file
5. Link to the .m3u file in your post
6. Users clicking the link will then be able to listen to the file as a stream, instead of having to download it

Of course, all this kerfuffle with podcasting/streaming this LSE debate recording might lead you to believe that there’s something really wonderful about it that makes it terribly important to have disseminated across the web. That’s not really true. It’s more proof of concept for me, because soon I hope to do some more audio stuff and this happens to have been the first time I’ve ever tried to podcast/stream on Strange Attractor. So sorry if you end up listening to it and think “I went through all that for this?”

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